Pelagic armorhead

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iPelagic armorhead
Drawing by Dr Tony Ayling
Drawing by Dr Tony Ayling
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Pentacerotidae
Genus: Pseudopentaceros
Species: P. richardsoni
Binomial name
Pseudopentaceros richardsoni
(Smith, 1844)

The pelagic armorhead, pelagic armourhead, Richardson's boarfish, or southern boarfish, Pseudopentaceros richardsoni, is an armorhead of the genus Pseudopentaceros, found in the north and south Pacific Ocean, South Africa, South America, and the South Island of New Zealand, from the surface to depths of 300 metres on the continental shelf. Its length is between 30 and 50 cm.

As a consequence of its pelagic habit the pelagic armorhead has lower fins and is more elongate than the other boarfish, retaining however the bony head armour and strong fin spines.

Colour is a dark steely grey above and silver on the flanks and belly, another clue to its pelagic environment.

The pelagic armorhead feed in midwater on lantern fishes, prawns, and salps, and rises to near the surface at night in pursuit of its prey.

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