Pedro Luis Boitel

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Pedro Luis Boitel (1931-1972) was a Cuban poet and dissident opposing the governments of both Fulgencio Batista and Fidel Castro. Boitel died in prison in 1972 having been sentenced by the Cuban authorities.


[edit] Before the revolution

Pedro Luis Boitel was born in an humble family originating from Picardy (France) and studied at the University of Havana also working as a radio technician. In the 1950's P. L. Boitel opposed the government of Fulgencio Batista and was forced into exile in Venezuela where he collaborated with Rómulo Betancourt in his efforts to overthrow Marcos Pérez Jiménez's military government by setting up a clandestine radio station in that country.

After the Cuban revolution, P. L. Boitel returned to Cuba and resumed his studies at the University of Havana. In 1960, Boitel ran for president of the University Students' Federation (Federación Estudiantil Universitaria - FEU) at the University of Havana and was backed by the 26th of July Movement. Even though Fidel Castro headed this movement, Castro and the other revolutionary leaders removed their support for P. L. Boitel. Castro personally intervened in the student elections at the University of Havana to remove Boitel from the FEU presidency. [1]

[edit] Jail and hunger strike

As a Christian, Boitel became dissatisfied with political events and formed a clandestine organization, The Movement to Recuperate the Revolution (MRR). In 1961 Boitel was detained and accused of conspiracy against the state, and was summarily sentenced to ten years in jail. Whilst in jail additional charges extended his sentence. It is claimed that Boitel was tortured and beaten up several times and that his mother Claretta was humiliated when she went to visit him in jail. The Inter American Commission of Human rights found that the Cuban government had violated Article I of the American Declaration of the Rights in their treatment of the prisoner. Boitel sought authorization to leave Cuba but his requests were denied.

On April 3, 1972, Boitel declared himself on hunger strike. After 53 days in hunger strike without receiving medical assistance and receiving only liquids he died of starvation on May 25, 1972. His last days were related by his close friend, poet Armando Valladares. He was buried in an unmarked grave in the Cólon cemetery in Havana.

[edit] References

[edit] See also

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