Pedro Arrupe

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Fr. Pedro Arrupe, S.J. (November 14, 1907February 5, 1991) was the twenty-eighth Father General (1965-83) of the Society of Jesus.


[edit] Early Life - Medical Studies and Expulsion from Spain

Born in Bilbao in the Basque Country of Spain, Arrupe interrupted medical studies at the University of Madrid to join the Jesuits in 1927. Because of the order of expulsion by the Republican government of Spain at the time, all Jesuits were sent into exile. Accordingly he pursued his philosophical and theological studies in Belgium and the Netherlands. Ordained a priest in 1936 and sent off for doctoral studies in medical ethics in the United States, he was unexpectedly sent as a missionary to Japan in 1939, where he would spend his next 27 years.

[edit] Japan - Hiroshima

He was appointed Jesuit superior and the master of novices in Japan in 1942. He was living in suburban Hiroshima when the atomic bomb fell in August of 1945. As a trained doctor he headed the first rescue party to arrive in Hiroshima after the atomic bomb. He described that event as "a permanent experience outside of history, engraved on my memory." He utilized his medical skills in the service of the wounded and the dying, transforming the novitiate into a make-shift hospital for over 200 grievously scarred human remnants. He eventually was appointed the first Jesuit provincial for Japan (1958-65).

[edit] Father General

At the thirty first General Congregation (GC XXXI) of the Society of Jesus in 1965 he was elected to be the order's twenty-eighth Father General. He served in that position from 1965 to 1983. Father Vinnie O'Keefe was a great friend of Arrupe's, and one of his top advisors. Father O'Keefe says Arrupe was "a second Ignatius, a refounder of the Society in the light of Vatican II." The defining moment of Fr. Arrupe's leadership of the Jesuits was probably the thirty second General Congregation (GC XXXII), which he called in 1975.

Arrupe's dream was crystalized in the document (decree 4), Our Mission Today: the Service of Faith and the Promotion of Justice. Of GC XXXII. This decree basically defined all the Jesuits work as having an essential focus on the promotion of Justice as well as the Catholic Faith. The mix of religion and politics has always been controversial, so for the Jesuits to tie their work so explicitly to the promotion of Justice was a very bold statement. This decree was so hotly debated that it was not voted on, until the very last day of the congregation, March 7, 1975. when it was accepted by an overwhelming majority of delegates. This focus on justice was to cause great conflict within the order, the church and also have remarkable consequences on the outside world. To understand this we must look at the context of the Reforms of Vatican II and how they were applied to South and Central America.

[edit] Vatican II

After the great advances of Vatican II each bishops conference had to return back to their own churches and implement the decrees in their own particular context. The Church in Europe was threatened by a growing secularism and a scientific and materialistic atheism. The Church in Asia was conscious of its responsibilities to inter-religious dialogue and the tensions produced by the plurality of religions in their societies. The Church in South America was predominantly faced with the poverty that many considered to be caused by the perceived injustice of tiny minorities of the population owning and controlling vast amounts of the countries wealth and resources. Controversially the theologians in South America became more and more politically involved, often adopting Marxist sociological tools to analyse this inequality. The theology that grew out of this was called Liberation Theology. Many Jesuits in South and Central America were at the forefront of this struggle for justice, and were aware of the role the church had had in the past of appearing to bless and legitimize this inequality.

Arrupe had special relationship with these men as well. They were involved in Latin American proposals that eventually produced his beloved decree four from GC 32. On June 20, 1977 the White Warriors Union death squad threatened to kill each of the 47 Jesuits in El Salvador unless they abandoned their work with the poor, and left the country within a month. After consulting with his men, Fr. Arrupe replied, "They may end up as martyrs, but my priests are not going to leave (El Salvador), because they are with the people." Six Jesuits were subsequently murdered on November 16, 1989 at the Jesuit University of Central America as well as other Jesuits such as Rutilio Grande, and later also the Archbishop Oscar Romero.

[edit] Later Life, Illness and Stroke

On August 7, 1981, after a long and tiring trip throughout the Far East, Father Arrupe suffered a stroke just after his airplane had landed at Rome's Fiumicino Airport. He was paralyzed on his right side and was able to speak only a few words, but this ability gradually deteriorated until he was completely mute. From that time on he lived in the infirmary at the Curia. His only form of communication with the Jesuit brothers who was his constant companion, was with his eyes or hand pressure. Arrupe resigned due to ill health in 1983 and was the first (and so far the only, although in 2006, Father Kolvenbach has announced his resignation, taking place in 2008) Jesuit superior general to resign instead of remaining in office until his death.

The thirty third General Congregation was called to deal with the resignation of Arrupe and the election of a successor. The Congregation was called by Father- later Cardinal- Paolo Dezza, the Pontifical Delegate, especially appointed by the Pope to assure that the Society be kept on course. There was a wave of resentment from some Jesuits at what was seemingly Papal interference in Jesuit affairs. Arrupe's resignation was accepted on September 3, 1983 during the Congregation and it proceeded to elect Father Peter Hans Kolvenbach as General.

During the opening Session of the Congregation Fr Arrupe was wheeled into the hall, and a powerful prayer which he had written was read out.

More than ever I find myself in the hands of God. This is what I have wanted all my life from my youth. But now there is a difference; the initiative is entirely with God. It is indeed a profound spiritual experience to know and feel myself so totally in God's hands.

During his ten long and silent years in the infirmary, praying for the Society, Arrupe received many and frequent well wishers among whom the Pope was the most distinguished.

Arrupe died at the Curia on February 5, 1991 in his 84th year. His Generalate actually lasted for 18 years from his election until his resignation in 1983, though he lived another eight years of complete inactivity paralyzed and with little communication.

Pedro Arrupe's funeral was held in the Gesù and was attended by crowds inside and in the piazza outside the church. Also in attendance were 10 cardinals, 20 bishops, the Prime Minister of Italy and other religious and civil dignitaries. His body was taken and interred in the Jesuit Mausoleum at Campo Verano beside his predecessors.

It is also noted that in Fairfield, Connecticut, the local Jesuit highschool has named a new state-of -the-art building in honor of Pedro Arrupe. The building was opened on September 1, 2005. The building emphasizes the great legacy and wonders that Pedro Arrupe himself offered. The main auditorium at the ITESO, a Jesuit university in Guadalajara, is also named after Pedro Arrupe. Arrupe Jesuit High School in Denver, CO is also named after Pedro Arrupe, as well as several scholarships given in his honor.

Preceded by
Jean-Baptiste Janssens
Superior General of the Society of Jesus
Succeeded by
Peter Hans Kolvenbach