Pedophilia and child sexual abuse in the theatre

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Pedophilia, ephebophilia, romantic or sexual relations between adults and children, and child sexual abuse have been important themes of a number of works written for the stage.


[edit] Plays

Plays with a child sexual abuse/pedophile theme (man & boy) or content include:

Coming up to his thirtieth birthday, Cougar Glass sets out to seduce 16-year-old schoolboy Foxtrot Darling
  • The Lying Kind, by Anthony Neilson
  • The Sugar Syndrome, by Lucy Prebble
  • La Ville dont le Prince est un Enfant, The Fire that Burns by Henry de Montherlant

In Ancient Greece, where pederastic and pedophilic relationships were viewed very differently than today, many works touched on the relationships of men with boys. Aeschylus, Euripides and Sophocles wrote plays on the subject and the poets Alcaeus, Anacreon, Ibycus, Pindar, Solon, Sappho and Theognis of Megara all composed poetry praising the love of boys.

Plays with a child sexual abuse/pedophile theme (man & girl) or content include:

  • Alice, a play for television, by Dennis Potter, based on the life of Charles Dodgson/Lewis Carroll
  • Frozen, by Bryony Lavery
  • How I learnt to drive by Paula Vogel
  • Lolita by Edward Albee adapted from Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
  • Masks and Mirrors, written and performed by Roberta Nobleman
  • Motortown, by Simon Stephens
  • Nymphs & Shepherds (A Paedophile's Life), by David Mines
  • Short Eyes, by Miguel Pinero

Plays with a child sexual abuse/pedophile theme (woman & girl) or content include:

[edit] Musicals

Uncle Ernie abuses Tommy in bed "Down with the bedclothes, up with the night shirt. Fiddle about. Fiddle about."

[edit] Opera

[edit] See also