Paweł Holszański

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Paweł Holszański (ca. 1485[1]-1555 in Vilnius [2]) was a notable Catholic church official[3] and the last male successor of the, once mighty, Olshanski princely family of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Born to an Orthodox Prince Aleksander Holszański, the castellan of Vilnius and Zofia Sudymuntowiczówna[4], between 1507 and 1536 he served as a bishop of Łuck (modern Lutsk, Ukraine) and then between March 15, 1536 and his death a bishop of Vilnius.

During his term, Holszański erected several dozens of new parochs in the Polish-Lithuanian borderland. He was also responsible for convincing the king to expel [5] Stanislovas Rapalionis and Abraomas Kulvietis, two of the pioneers of Lutheranism in Lithuania.[6] He died in Vilnius on September 4, 1555.

[edit] Notes and references

  1. ^ The date is uncertain and some sources cite 1486 or even 1436, the latter probably being an error
  2. ^ Lietuviškoji tarybinė enciklopedija. T-1 p.171
  3. ^ (French) Dmitry Tolstoy: Le catholicisme romain en Russie, pp.464-465
  4. ^ (Polish) Rita Regina Trimoniene: Polityka jagiellońska a kształtowanie się litewskiego narodu politycznego w końcu XV - I połowie XVI wieku
  5. ^ (Polish) Marceli Kosman: Protestanci i kontrreformacja: z dziejów tolerancji w Rzeczypospolitej XVI-XVIII wieku, p.51
  6. ^ A.Bumblauskas. Senosios Lietuvos istorija. 2005 p. 236-237