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"Pauly-Wissowa" is the name commonly used for the Realencyclopädie der Klassischen Altertumswissenschaft, 1894, a German encyclopedia of classical scholarship. With its supplements it comprises well over a hundred volumes.

The first volume was published by August Pauly in 1839. Pauly died in 1845, his work unfinished; Christian Waltz and Wilhelm Teuffel completed it in 1852. This first edition was six volumes. A second edition was worked on from 1861 and 1866, but never finished.

In 1890 Georg Wissowa started on a new and more ambitious edition. He expected to be done in 10 years, but the last of its 84 volumes did not appear until 1978, and the index volume came out in 1980.

Each article was written by a recognized specialist in the relevant field, but unsurprisingly for a work spanning three generations, the underlying assumptions vary radically with the age of the article. Most of the biographies were written by Friedrich Münzer.

The price and size of Pauly-Wissowa have always been daunting, and so between 1964 and 1975 Metzler Verlag put out Der Kleine Pauly in five volumes.

Der Neue Pauly
Der Neue Pauly

An updated version called Der Neue Pauly, consisting of 15 volumes and an index, appeared gradually from 1996 to 2003. An English edition, Brill’s New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World has been announced by Brill for 2006.

The index to Pauly-Wissowa is available on CD-ROM.

[edit] Bibliography

  • August Pauly, Georg Wissowa, Wilhelm Kroll, Kurt Witte, Karl Mittelhaus, Konrat Ziegler, eds. Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft: neue Bearbeitung, Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 1894-1980.
  • Hubert Cancik, Helmuth Schneider, eds., Der neue Pauly. Enzyklopädie der Antike. Das klassische Altertum und seine Rezeptionsgeschichte, Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2003, 11611 pages. ISBN 3-476-01470-3.
  • Hubert Cancik, Helmuth Schneider, Manfred Landfester, Christine F. Salazar, eds. Brill’s New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World, Brill, 2006. ISBN 90-04-12259-1. (In press)

[edit] External links