Paul of Tammah

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Coptic icon of Abba Paule El-Tamoohe
Coptic icon of Abba Paule El-Tamoohe

Abba Paul of Tammah (or Paule El-Tamoohe) lived as a lonely monk in the mount of Ansana of the historical ancient city of Ansana, currently in the Al Minya governorate of Egypt. He spent his life in lengthy fasts and worship. As the legend goes, Jesus told him when to break his fasts with the words "that's enough my beloved Paule." He befriended, towards the end of his life, Abba Bishoy of Shihat desert, when Abba Bishoy visited the mount of Ansana, where he died.

Saint Paul died on the 7th of the Coptic month of Baba (17 October), around 415 AD. His body is now in the Monastery of Abba Bishoy in the desert of Shihat. (Until this day, the incorrupt body of Saint Bishoy and the relics of Saint Paule of Tamooh still lie together in the main church of the monastery of Saint Bishoy in Wadi-El-Natroun, Egypt.)

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