Paul Kraus

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Paul Kraus was born in 1944 in Austria and migrated with his parents to Australia as a young child. He is the author of five books including: A New Australian, a New Australia, Faith, Hope, Love & Laughter: How They Heal, Not So Fabulous 50s: Images of a Migrant Childhood, Healing: Prayers, Promises and Prescriptions, and Surviving Mesothelioma and Other Cancers: A Patient's Guide. His last book was written based on his experience as the world's longest living survivor of a cancer called mesothelioma. This aggressive cancer typically has a median survival length of 9-12 months. Diagnosed in 1997, Paul Kraus, continues to thrive and enjoys a good quality of life. He was interviewed by Australian television in 2001. His book Surviving Mesothelioma (ISBN 0-9772901-0-7; Library of Congress 2005933149) is the best selling mesothelioma book in the world with copies purchased in fifteen countries.