Paul Bradford

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Paul Bradford (born 1964) is an Irish politician and member of the 22nd Seanad Éireann for Fine Gael.

Paul Bradford was born in Mourne Abbey near Mallow, County Cork in 1964. He was educated at the Patrician Academy in Mallow. Bradford became involved in politics at a young age, becoming the youngest ever member of Cork County Council when he was elected in 1985 at the age of 21. Two years later in 1987 he became the youngest ever elected Senator. As a member of Seanad Éireann he was Fine Gael spokesperson on Communications & Energy. In 1989 he was elected to Dáil Éireann for the first time for the Cork East constituency. In 1994 he joined John Bruton's front bench as Spokesperson on Defence and the Marine.

In 1995 Fine Gael came to power and Bradford became Co-Chair of the British Irish Interparliamentary Body. In 1997 the party was back in opposition and he was appointed Fine Gael spokesperson on Health, Food Safety and Older People. In 2000 Bradford became Spokesperson on Youth Affairs, School Transport and Adult Education. Under Michael Noonan's leadership he was promoted to party Chief Whip, a position he served in until he lost his seat at the 2002 general election. He was subsequently elected to Seanad Éireann by the Agricultural Panel. He is Fine Gael spokesperson on Foreign Affairs in the upper house of the Oireachtas.

Preceded by
Patrick Hegarty
(Fine Gael)
Fine Gael Teachta Dála
for Cork East

Succeeded by
Joe Sherlock
(Labour Party)

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