Paul Barnes (pastor)

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Paul Barnes (born 1954) was the senior minister of the 2,100-member evangelical Grace Chapel in Douglas County, Colorado, which he founded in his basement 28 years ago. He resigned from his position as minister on 7 December 2006 after he confessed to homosexual activity to his church's board.

In a videotaped message played for his congregation, Barnes said he'd been "struggling with homosexuality" since the age of 5 and had often prayed to God to "remove it". He also indicated he had sought counseling for it in the past but therapy had not been effective for him. According to the Denver Post, his confession was the result of an anonymous caller who had contacted the church.[1]

Barnes's resignation came almost exactly a month after the resignation of Ted Haggard on 3 November 2006 as pastor of the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado, also for homosexual activity.

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