Patrick Madrid

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Patrick Madrid (born 1960), is an American Roman Catholic author, radio host, apologist, and host of several EWTN television and radio series. He is the author of 14 books on Catholic themes, including the popular Surprised By Truth series of conversion testimony books. He is also the co-founder and editor of Envoy Magazine, a publication focused on orthodox Catholic apologetics and evangelism. He formerly worked as vice president for eight years (1988 through 1995)with Karl Keating at Catholic Answers before launching his own apostolate as an author and seminar presenter in early 1996.

[edit] Biography and Bibliography

Patrick Madrid
Patrick Madrid

Patrick Madrid, a Catholic author and the editor of Envoy magazine, a print and online Catholic journal of apologetics and evangelization. He is the author of 14 books on Catholic themes, including Pope Fiction, Search and Rescue, Why Is That In Tradition?, and "Does the Bible Really Say That?" He is also the editor and co-author of the multi-volume Surprised by Truth series of books (with 400,000+ combined copies in print in English and Spanish).

Active in apologetics since 1987, he was the vice president of Catholic Answers from January, 1988, to January, 1996, and helped co-found that apostolate's flagship magazine, This Rock, in January of 1990; he served as a contributing editor. He was raised in the Catholic Faith, growing up in Southern California. His story, "Conclusions of a Guilty Bystander," appears as a chapter in "Surprised by Truth 2."

He earned a bachelor of science degree in business management from the University of Phoenix, has done graduate studies in theology (University of Dallas) and is completing a master's degree in theology at the Pontifical College Josephinum, Columbus, Ohio.

He is the host of several [EWTN] television series: "Pope Fiction," "The Truth About Scripture and Tradition," "Where Is That In the Bible?" and "Search and Rescue." He is also the host of the Thursday edition of EWTN's "Open Line" live call-in radio broadcast. He has conducted many seminars, in English and Spanish, at parishes, conferences, and universities across the United States, as well as throughout Europe, and in Canada, Latin America, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. He is a regular presenter at Franciscan University of Steubenville’s "Defending the Faith" summer conferences and has been a guest lecturer in theology at Christendom College in their "Major Speakers" program.

Patrick is a veteran of over a dozen formal, public debates with Protestant ministers, Mormon leaders, and other non-Catholic spokesmen. He and his wife, Nancy, have been married for 26 years and have eleven children.

[edit] External links