Patrice Mangin

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Doctor Patrice Mangin is a widely published forensic pathologist.[1]

Mangin headed an international team that volunteered to examine the body of Salah Addin Ali Ahmed Al-Salami, a Yemeni detained in the United States Guantanamo Bay detainment camps, who died on June 10, 2006.[2] American authorities said Al Salami and two Saudi men committed suicide by hanging themselves. Mangin reassured familiy members that it was routine for the American medical team to have removed some organs that decay rapidly. But he said that the Americans had retained Al Salami's throat, and whether Al Salami died by hanging could not be determined until the Americans handed it over.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Author index for Patrice Mangin, Elvesier Journals
  2. ^ Gitmo detainee buried after body cross-examined, Yemen Times, June 25, 2005