Talk:Passiflora tarminiana

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Passiflora mollissima is not a valid name. Nowadays it is called Passiflora tripartita var. mollissima. The curuba from hawaii ( Banana Poka) is not the plant formerly known as Passiflora mollissima, but a distinct species called Passiflora tarminiana. This came clear after DNA-research. So this information is obsolete. This article has to be closed!

Thank you for the information. I have not deleted the article, but I have moved the information to locations that reflect the results of the recent research. Passiflora mollissima now redirects to Banana passionfruit, where it says that that is now an invalid name, with references to the new variety and species. Eugene van der Pijll 12:23, 21 January 2006 (UTC)