Past life regression

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Past life regression (PLR) is a process that claims to be able to retrieve memories of previous lives. This can be by a process of hypnosis; however, some teachings use a meditation-type space. By reliving or discovering previous experiences or traumas, a person can identify the origin of his/her problem whether it is a phobia or a disability or other.

Advocates of past life regression believe in reincarnation and claim that the experiences from previous lives can carry over and affect a person's current life. Past Life Regression is commonly used by Hypnotists and Hypnotherapists. The concept of past lives is disputed by skeptics.


[edit] Past life therapy

Past Life/ Past Lives Therapy (PLT) utilizing clinical hypnotherapy/ de-hypnosis allows unconscious experiences from past life traumas or emotionally charged events to become fully conscious. Past Life Therapy aims to resolve any unconscious, survival-based scripts that could be negatively affecting one’s present health, behaviors, or quality of life. PLT can allow for a more thorough resolution since it gives the mind permission to locate past life sources affecting present day challenges or obstacles. PLT can uncover patterns and unconscious dialogue from many lifetimes of trauma or confusion associated with an event; individuals often re-create similar experiences unconsciously as an attempt to complete or heal an unresolved past life experience.

[edit] New Age

It is suggested by New Age therapists for personal growth and healing of people with psychological or physical problems. Among the popular new age figures who teach and use past life regression techniques are Barbara Brennan and Ken Page and in the United Kingdom by Dr. John Plowman.

[edit] Scientology and Dianetics

L. Ron Hubbard's principles of Dianetics and Scientology use a form of past life regression in their Auditing sessions using a galvanic skin response machine called an E-meter.

The first writings in Scientology regarding past lives date from around 1951 and slightly earlier. In 1960, Hubbard compiled a collection of alleged past life regression memories reported by subject undergoing the Auditing process, entitled Have You Lived Before This Life. He began a sequel called Where Were You Buried? that was never completed.

In Scientology doctrine, past lives not only take place prior to Earth, but also in non-Earth civilizations such as Helatrobus and Xenu's Galactic Confederacy. They may even take place in universes prior to this one, where conditions and rules of existence can be different. [1]

[edit] Criticism

Skeptics claim that these memories are false and that they are purely the result of imagination, confabulations or induced false memories. [1]

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

[edit] External links

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