Pascal's pyramid

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In mathematics, Pascal's pyramid is a three dimensional generalization of Pascal's triangle. Just as Pascal's triangle gives coefficients for the terms of a binomial expansion, so Pascal's pyramid gives coefficients for a trinomial expansion.

Pascal's pyramid is also called Pascal's tetrahedron. A generalization to arbitrary dimension is sometimes called a Pascal's simplex.

The pyramid is constructed layer by layer, starting with the apex and working downward. The first few layers are as follows.

1      1         1              1                   1
     1   1     2   2          3   3               4   4
             1   2   1      3   6   3           6  12   6
                          1   3   3   1       4  12   12  4
                                            1   4   6   4   1

While studying genetics, it's common to use the Pascal's pyramid to find out the proportion between different genotypes on the same crossing. This is done by checking the line that is equivalent to the number of phenotypes (genotypes + 1). That line will be the proportion.

[edit] Properties of Pascal's pyramid

Summing the numbers in each column of a layer of Pascal's pyramid gives the nth power of 111 when a sufficiently high base/radix is chosen (i.e. without carrying over during multiplication), where n is the layer - 1.

 1     |1|     | |1| |      | | |1| | |       | |  |  | 1|  |  | |
---   1| |1    |2| |2|      | |3| |3| |       | |  | 4|  | 4|  | |
 1    -----   1| |2| |1     |3| |6| |3|       | | 6|  |12|  | 6| |
      1 1 1   ---------    1| |3| |3| |1      |4|  |12|  |12|  |4|
              1 2 3 2 1    -------------     1| | 4|  | 6|  | 4| |1
                           1 3 6 7 6 3 1     ----------------------
                                             1 4 10 16 19 16 10 4 1
1110   1111      1112           1113             1114 = 151807041


Another property of Pascal's Pyramid is that the bottom row of each layer in the pyramid is a row in Pascal's Triangle.

[edit] External links

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