Party conference

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The term Party Conference usually refers to a general meeting of a political party. The conference is attended by certain delegates who represent the party membership. In most political parties the Party Conference is the highest decision-making body of the organization, tasked with electing or nominating the party's leaders or leadership bodies, deciding party policy, and setting the party's platform and agendas. In certain countries, a specific kind of such a grouping, known instead as the Party Congress, wields such powers.

The term conference or caucus may also refer to the organization of all party members as a whole.

The definitions of all of these terms vary greatly, depending on the country and situation in which they are used.


[edit] Party Conferences around the World

[edit] In Great Britain

[edit] In Communist states

  • Communist parties convene a congress to elect a Central Committee, which in turn sets up a Politburo.
  • A Communist conference may also meet on occasion, to discuss a particular issue or plan an event, but would have no such official powers.

[edit] In the United States

Members of each major party in the United States Congress meet regularly in closed sessions known as party conferences (Republicans) or party caucuses (Democrats). Participants set legislative agendas, select committee members and chairs, and hold elections to choose various Floor leaders. This process takes place for both the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Party conferences in the United States Congress
Senate Republican Conference Senate Senate Democratic Caucus
Conference Chairman Chairperson Caucus Chairperson
Conference Vice-Chair/Secretary Secretary Caucus Secretary
Policy Committee Chair Policy Committee Policy Committee Chair

House Republican Conference House of
House Democratic Caucus
Conference Chairperson Presiding Officer Caucus Chairperson
Vice-Chair Vice Chairman Vice-Chair /
Conference Secretary Secretary
Policy Committee Chair Policy Committee Policy Committee Co-Chair

[edit] Leadership roles

  • Chairmanship — Chosen from within the body's membership to preside over its business.
  • Secretary — Responsible for keeping minutes of the conference's proceedings.
  • Policy Committees — Responsible for setting and maintaining review of current party policy, and preparing proposals for presentation to the full conference.

[edit] See also

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