Partition of an interval

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In mathematics, a partition of an interval [a, b] on the real line is a finite sequence of the form

a = x0 < x1 < x2 < ... < xn = b.

Such partitions are used in the theory of the Riemann integral, the Riemann-Stieltjes integral and the regulated integral.

The norm (or mesh) of the partition

x0 < x1 < x2 < ... < xn

is the length of the longest of these subintervals; it is

max{ |xixi−1| : i = 1, ..., n }.

As the mesh approaches zero, a Riemann sum based on the partition approaches the Riemann integral.

A tagged partition is a partition of an interval together with a finite sequence of numbers t0, ..., tn−1 subject to the conditions that for each i,

xi \le ti \le xi+1.

In other words, it is a partition together with a distinguished point of every subinterval. The mesh of a tagged partition is defined the same as for an ordinary partition. We can define a partial order on the set of all tagged partitions by saying that one tagged partition is bigger than another if the bigger one is a refinement of the smaller one.

Suppose that x_0,\ldots,x_n together with t_0,\ldots,t_{n-1} are a tagged partition of [a,b], and that y_0,\ldots,y_m together with s_0,\ldots,s_{m-1} are another tagged partition of [a,b]. We say that y_0,\ldots,y_m and s_0,\ldots,s_{m-1} together are a refinement of x_0,\ldots,x_n together with t_0,\ldots,t_{n-1} if for each integer i with 0 \le i \le n, there is an integer r(i) such that xi = yr(i) and such that ti = sj for some j with r(i) \le j \le r(i+1). Said more simply, a refinement of a tagged partition takes the starting partition and adds more tags, but does not take any away.

[edit] References

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