Particle velocity level

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Sound measurements
Sound pressure p
Sound pressure level (SPL)
Particle velocity v
Particle velocity level (SVL)
   (Sound velocity level)
Particle displacement ΞΎ
Sound intensity I
Sound intensity level (SIL)
Sound power Pac
Sound power level (SWL)
Sound energy density E
Sound energy flux q
Acoustic impedance Z
Speed of sound c

The particle velocity level or the sound velocity level tells the ratio of a sound incidence in comparison to a reference level of 0 dB in a medium, mostly air.

It shows the ratio of the particle velocity v1 and the particle velocity v0.

The particle velocity level is:

L_v = 20\, \log_{10}\left(\frac{v_1}{v_0}\right) \mathrm{dB}

where v1 and v0 are the velocities.

The particle velocity level has the letter "Lv".

The unit of the particle velocity level is named "dB".

Notice: The dB is dimensionless.

If v0 is the standard reference particle velocity of:

v_0 = 5.0 \times 10^{-8} \mathrm{\frac{m}{s}}

we use "dB SVL". (SVL = sound velocity level).

Sound particle velocity v should not be confused with Sound velocity c.

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