Particle Projection Cannon

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A Particle Projection Cannon (PPC) is a fictional weapon in the BattleTech universe. It is an ion cannon which fires charged plasma and does damage by heating components and armor to melting temperatures. It also causes interference with the enemy battlemech's sensors and electronics.

The PPC fires bolts of ionized particles which cause damage both by impact and extreme heat. The Clan model has a more extended range than its Inner Sphere counterpart. Both models also disrupt the target's electrical systems, preventing rapid return fire while they recharge and cool.

The PPC is popular among MechWarriors, especially Clan pilots due to the improved damage and range of their version, called the Clan Extended Range-PPC, or ER-PPC.

Some of the iconic 'Mechs of BattleTech use these weapons (for example each Marauder and the Warhammer type mounts a pair of PPCs).

In the MechAssault series, and in the Mechwarrior 2 PC game, the PPC is depicted as a sphere that moves slowly towards the target, while in the later MechWarrior and MechCommander games it is a direct-fire particle beam.

It should be noted that while MechAssault uses items from Battletech, they are in no way related via physics or storyline.

In the more recent games, the PPC appears as a long, blue streak with a white front, not unlike a shooting star. Upon hitting the target, there is an electrical "smacking" noise and a blue spot appears momentarily around the location of impact

As the only "unique" weapon in the original BattleTech series, as well as the one that caused the most damage, the term PPC was also the name of a very strong (nearly toxic) drink in the related fiction (Warrior: En Guard, pg 133). The recommended mix varied depending on the House affiliation.

In the games this weapon generally has a very good range with good damage, but it creates enormous heat waste that could cause the mech to shut down.

There have also been several variations of the standard PPC introduced within the Battletech game system. These variations include the Clan PPC, Plasma PPC, and Lite PPC, as well as modifications made by adding capacitors and rechargers. The typical effective range of any of these particle weapons is between 850 and 925 meters.