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Level: Mega
Anime/Manga information
Character in: Runaway Locomon
Voice actors: David Lodge (English)
Evolves from: Scorpiomon
Card game information
Attribute: Virus
Type: Parasite Digimon
Family: Unknown
Card numbers: BO-681

Parasimon is a fictional character from the Digimon franchise, a Mega Level Mutant Digimon. Its name derives from "parasite", an organism that lives by attaching itself to and feeding off of another. Although Parasimon is a Mega Digimon, he, in terms of fighting strength, is very weak and can be easily defeated by Digimon on lower Digivolution stages. However in great numbers they can become a major threat. His mouth is on his rear.


[edit] Abilities

It can control others by connecting to their back and giving them supernatural strength to protect the Parasimon.

[edit] Attacks

  • Electric Bind
  • Digicabolic Steroid

[edit] Appearances

[edit] Runaway Locomon

The spider-like Parasimon used his mind-controlling abilities to seize control of the train Digimon, Locomon, and sent him hurtling through Tokyo towards an opening rift between Earth and the Digital World at Ichigaya station. Using a camouflage ability to remain hidden, Parasimon sat atop Locomon, and observed as the Digimon Tamers attempted to stop Locomon’s progress. When Takato, Rika and Renamon boarded Locomon, Rika attempted to smash his furnace with a wrench, but Parasimon’s tendrils emerged from it and entwined her, enabling him to control her mind, as well. Using memories of her father and a song she used to sing with him to manipulate her, Parasimon had Rika attack Takato and Renamon, but when the conflict made its way to the roof of the carriage, Parasimon revealed himself. Guilmon was able to free Rika by severing the tentacle holding her with his Rock Breaker attack but after Locomon Digivolved to GranLocomon, Rika made an attempt to stop him from disconnect the carriage she was in and was grabbed by more tentacles. Takato and Guilmon Biomerged into Gallantmon and severed the tentacles, then destroyed Parasimon. However, before he deleted completely, Parasimon sent a signal into the rift that summoned a massive swarm of other Parasimon to Earth. They began wreaking havoc in the city and all the Tamers and their Digimon engaged them in battle, finding it easy to destroy the individuals, but nigh impossible to destroy the multitude, as they continued to pour through the rift. Even the arrival of Justimon and Beelzemon failed to sufficiently turn the tide, but then Gallantmon assumed his Crimson Mode, and flew into the heart of the rift, using his Crimson Light attack to obliterate all the Parasimon in one shot.

[edit] Digimon World DS

Parasimon evolves from Arukenimon.