User:Paolo Liberatore/Xf1shift.c
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< User:Paolo Liberatore
/* This is an X Window program that adds or removes F1 as a new shift modifier. It illustrates how the modifier map can be changed by a client. By executing xf1shift +f1 the F1 key on a PC keyboard will be interpreted by the server as a third shift modifier. This effect can be reversed by: xf1shift -f1 A modifier is a key that changes the interpretation of other keys when kept pressing. The most common modifier is the "Shift" key: the key that normally produce a lowercase "a" produces an uppercase "A" when the Shift key is pressed. Other common modifiers are "Control", "Alt", and "Meta". The X server works with at most eight modifiers. However, every modifier can be associated with more than one key. For example, many keyboards have two "Shift" keys (one on the left and one on the right). These two key produce two different keycodes when pressed. However, for the X server there is only a single "Shift" modifier, and the two keys are both associated with this modifier. For each of the eight modifiers, the X server maintains a list of the keycodes that it consider to be that modifier. As an example, if the list of the first modifier (the "Shift" modifier) contains the keycode0x37
, then the key that produces the keycode0x37
is taken to be a shift key by the X server. */ #include<X11/Xlib.h> #include<X11/keysym.h> void usage() { printf("Usage:\n\txf1shift [+f1] [-f1]\n"); printf("Adds F1 as a shift key on a PC keyboard\n"); } /* print the modifier mapping table */ void printModifierMapping(XModifierKeymap *mmap) { int i, j; int m; m=mmap->max_keypermod; for(i=0; i<8; i++) { printf("Modifier %d: ", i); for(j=0; j<m; j++) if(mmap->modifiermap[i*m+j]!=0) printf("0x%02x ", mmap->modifiermap[i*m+j]); printf("\n"); } } int main(int argn, char *argv[]) { Display *d; XModifierKeymap *mmap, *new; int add; KeyCode f1; /* get arguments */ if(argn-1<=0) { usage(); exit(1); } if(!strcmp(argv[1],"+f1")) add=1; else if(!strcmp(argv[1],"-f1")) add=0; else { usage(); exit(1); } /* open connection with the server */ d=XOpenDisplay(NULL); if(d==NULL) { printf("Cannot open display\n"); exit(1); } /* get keycode of the F1 key */ f1=XKeysymToKeycode(d, XK_F1); printf("Keycode of f1=0x%02X\n", f1); if(f1==0) { printf("No keycode is associated to F1, change not done\n"); exit(1); } /* get modifier mapping */ mmap=XGetModifierMapping(d); printf("Current modifier mapping:\n"); printModifierMapping(mmap); /* create or delete F1 as a shift modifier */ if(add) new=XInsertModifiermapEntry(mmap, f1, 0); else new=XDeleteModifiermapEntry(mmap, f1, 0); /* print and set the modifier with the server */ printf("\nNew modifier mapping:\n"); printModifierMapping(new); XSetModifierMapping(d, new); /* free modifier and close connection */ XFreeModifiermap(mmap); XCloseDisplay(d); return 0; }