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Fossil range: Paleocene to Oligocene
Barylambda faberi
Barylambda faberi
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Pantodonta
  • Wangliidae
  • Titanoideidae
  • Coryphodontidae
  • Pantolambdodontidae
  • Pantolambdidae
  • Barylambdidae
  • Cyriacotheriidae
  • Harpyodidae
  • Bemalambdidae
  • Pastoralodontidae

The Pantodonta are an order of now extinct placental mammals. Pantodonts are well known from the Paleocene of North America and Asia, and one early genus, Alcidedorbignya, that was found in the Paleocene of South America. The earliest Pantodonts were still comparably small animals, and they may have been omnivores, although the later Pantodonts were all herbivores.

[edit] Classification

In the past, the species now classified as Pantodonta were, together with the Dinocerata and the Xenungulata species, unified in one order: the Amblypoda (which means "blunt foot").

But this old classification turned out to be incorrect, and the species it contained were reclassified into three separate orders.

[edit] References