Palais Coburg

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Palais Coburg
Palais Coburg
Palais Coburg 19. Century
Palais Coburg 19. Century
Palais Coburg 21. Century
Palais Coburg 21. Century

Palais Coburg is a palace in Vienna. It also known as Palais Saxe-Coburg. It was owned by the princely Kohary family, a branch of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. The last owner was Princess Aurelia of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, morganatic widow of a prince, who lived there with her family. The owners sold the palace in the 1970's and today is a luxury hotel after extensive renovations.

[edit] References

  • Richard Kurdiovsky, Klaus-Peter Högel (ed.). Das Palais Coburg: Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte eines Wiener Adelspalastes zwischen Renaissance-Befestigung und Ringstraßenära. Brandstätter, Vienna. 2003. ISBN 3-85498-300-X

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