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hi, this is notes for

recent changes to Afghanistan pages:

need to have standardised translation/transliteration of page names. eg we prefer Hezbi Wahdat to Hizb-e-Wahdat and Shiah not Shi'a

- to cross reference with english translation

- to cross reference with urdu and fars (persian) pages

see university of openess

[edit] note on G M Syed

An article for Syed Saeen already exists at G. M. Syed. That article is far more detailed to this one, and therefore this one G M Syed should be deleted

[edit] Jonathan Fifi'i

was born in 1921, as a Kwaio at Ane'emae near Oloburi, Malaita, Solomon Islands. His father was Buumae and mother Dafua.

He was a founder member of Maasina Ruru in 1945, the independence movement which he started with Nori and Aliki Nono'oohimae who he met while serving in the Solomon Islands Labour Corps during World War 2.

After being arrested and held by the British administration as a political prisoner he was released he continued to be involved in politics. Firstly in Subdistrict Committeee in Ngarinaasuru, politics and later served in the pre-independence Governing Council. He also joined the Legislative Assembly and in 1972 he became Minister of Home Affairs in Soloman Mamalone's government.

He always remained critical of the government and even after independence remained so. He formed the Kwaio Cultural Centre in 1979.

In 1982 he wrote his autobiography "From pig-theft to parliament : my life between two worlds" ; which was translated and edited by Roger Keesing.

[edit] Sources

"From pig-theft to parliament : my life between two worlds" ; translated and edited by Roger Keesing. Suva, Fiji : Institute of Pacific Studies ; Solomon Islands College of Higher Education, 1989.

"Fifii" (Paperback, 2002) by Jonathan Fifii, Julian Treadaway, University of the South Pacific