P-series fuels
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The United States's Energy Policy Act of 1992 allows for alternative fuels besides ethanol. One of the newest fuel is an artificual blend created by Pure Energy Corporation, called P-Series. It is a patented, and was approved by the DOE in 1999.
It is a mix of ethanol, methyltetrahydofuran (MeTHF), pentanes plus, with butane. The formulas can be adjusted for cold weather and for 'premium' blends. Approximately 35% of the blend is or can be created from waste products of other industrial processes.
Any flexible fuel vehicle capabale of running on E85 should also be able to handle P-Series fuel.
The projected retail price will be about $1.50/gallon (2003 pricing). However, regular blend (non-premium) mileage is about 10% less than gasoline. As of yet (July 2006), it is not available to the general public.