Ovidi Montllor

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Ovidi Montllor i Mengual (Alcoi, 4th February 1942 - Barcelona, 10th March 1995) was a valencian singer-songwriter and actor who took action in the catalan music movement.

At the age of 24 years he went to Barcelona, where he played with independent groups of theater, like the CICF, and later with Núria Espert and Adrià Gual. In 1968 began to sing songs with lyrics of writers like Vincent Andrés Estellés, Pere Quart and himself.

Some of the most famous of his songs are:

  • La samarreta
  • La fera ferotge
  • Homenatge a Teresa
  • Perquè vull
  • L'escola de Ribera
  • Serà un dia que durarà anys

In 1995 he died in Barcelona, becase of an esophagus cancer. Five months before, his own town Alcoi had tributed him with a very emotional homage.

In 2005, ten years after his death, a series of homages took place all over the Catalan Countries.

Also in 2005 Inadaptats, a catalan independentist music band, recordered a disc performing 14 of his most famous songs, called "Homenatge a Ovidi Montllor" (Tribute to Ovidi Montllor).


[edit] Lyrics of La Samarreta

Jo sóc fill de família molt humil,

tan humil que d'una cortina vella
una samarreta en feren. Vermella.

D'ençà, per aquesta samarreta,
no he pogut caminar ja per la dreta.
He hagut d'anar contracorrent
perquè jo no sé què passa
que tothom que el ve de cara porta el cap topant de terra.

D'ençà, per aquesta samarreta
no he pogut sortir al carrer,
ni treballar al meu ofici, fer de ferrer.
He hagut de en el camp guanyar jornals,
ai, si la gent ja no em veia,
jo treballava amb la corbella.

I dintre de tots els mals,
sé treballar amb dues coses:
amb el martell i la corbella.
Gairebé no comprenc perquè la gent
quan em veia pel carrer
em cridava: Progressiste!
Jo crec que tot això era promogut pel seu despiste.

Potser un altre en les meves circumstàncies
ja hagués canviat de samarreta.
Però jo que m'hi trobe molt bé amb ella,
perquè abriga, me l'estime,
i li pregue que no se me faça vella.

I’m a son of a very poor family
so poor that from an old curtain…
a t-shirt they made me. Red.

Since then, because of T-shirt
I’ve not been able to walk on the right,
I’ve had to walk against the current,
because I don’t know what happens
that everybody that comes to me
is looking down

Since then, because of this t-shirt
I’ve not been able to get out to the street
not even work in my job, iron-worker
I’ve had to earn money in the fields
Damn it, people told me…
I worked with a sickle…

And within all the evils
I know how to work with just two things:
my hammer and my sickle.
I just cannot understand
why people who shouted to me:
I think it all was promoted
by their vagueness.

Maybe another in my circumstances
would have already changed their t-shirt…
But me who finds it very comfortable,
because it shelters, and I love it.
And I pray for it not to get old.

[edit] Filmography

  • Furia Española
  • Furtivos
  • Josafat (TV)
  • El beso de la mujer araña
  • La nova cançó
  • La ciutat cremada
  • L'obscura història de la cosina Montse
  • La portentosa vida del padre Vicent
  • La verdad sobre el caso Savolta
  • Companys, procés a Catalunya
  • L'hivernacle

[edit] Discography

  • La Fera ferotge / Cançó de les balances (EP 1968)
  • Història d'un amic / La fàbrica Paulac (EP 1969)
  • Sol d'estiu / Ell (senzill 1971)
  • Un entre tants... (1972)
  • Crònica d'un temps (1973)
  • A Alcoi (1974)
  • Salvat-Papasseit per Ovidi Montllor (1975)
  • Ovidi Montllor a l'Olympia (1975)
  • De manars i garrotades (1977)
  • Bon vent... i barca ova! (1979)
  • Ovidi Montllor diu 'Coral romput' (doble 1979)
  • 4.02.42 (1980)
  • Ovidi Montllor... per sempre (recopilatori pòstum 1995)
  • Antologia (13cd 2000)

[edit] External links

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