Overton Lodge

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The emblem of Overton Lodge, like all lodges of Freemasons is the Square and Compasses.
The emblem of Overton Lodge, like all lodges of Freemasons is the Square and Compasses.

Overton Lodge is No. 5 in the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Tennessee. Overton is located on the Courthouse Square in the Historic District of downtown Rogersville, Tennessee.


[edit] History

[edit] Early history and name

Founded December 14, 1805, Overton Lodge was, at the time of its formation, a part of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina and Tennessee.

The Lodge was named in honor of John Overton, 1766-1833, a prominent Tennessee jurist and Freemason, who practiced law with another young lawyer and Freemason, Andrew Jackson.

Overton was appointed by Tennessee governor John Sevier to succeed Jackson, in 1804, as the judge of the superior court in Nashville. He held this post until 1810, and in 1811 was elected a justice of the Supreme Court of Tennessee, which office he filled till his resignation in 1816. During this period he wrote "Overton's Reports," which include the time from 1791 to 1817, and are of great value as a repository of the land laws of Tennessee.

When the eight lodges in Tennessee came together to form the new Grand Lodge of Tennessee in Knoxville on December 27, 1813, Overton Lodge sent representatives to the convention that established the new grand lodge, and as such, it is one of Tennessee's founding lodges.

[edit] Acquiring a home

It is unclear where Overton Lodge met in the first years of its existence, but it is plain that they eventually acquired the former Branch Office of the Bank of Tennessee, located on the Courthouse Square in downtown Rogersville.

This building, circa 1840, is a lovely example of Federal, neoclassical architecture that dominates the Historic District of Rogersville.

[edit] During the Civil War

Overton Lodge was one of the few Lodges in the State to remain active during each year of the American Civil War, and it is by virtue of this distinction that Overton may claim to be the oldest, continuously-operated lodge in the State: all four of the older Lodges, including the currently extant Greeneville Lodge No. 3, had their charters revoked or have since gone defunct.

[edit] Overton lodge today

Today, Overton Lodge maintains an active group of Freemasons, meeting for regular communication on the second Monday of each month a 7:00 p.m. in the Masonic Temple located at 100 East Main Street in Rogersville.

[edit] Appendant bodies associated with Overton Lodge

In addition to the Blue Lodge of Freemasons meeting as Overton, their Masonic Temple also plays host to the meetings of several appendant (Masonically-related) groups, including:

  • Order of the Eastern Star, meets on the 1st Monday at 7:30 p.m.
  • Hawkins County Scottish Rite Club, meets on the 3rd Monday at 7 p.m.
  • Rogersville Shrine Club, meets on the 4th Monday at 7:30 p.m.

[edit] Officers

The webmaster of Overton Lodge maintains a current list of officers and their email addresses on the Lodge's website.

The current secretary of Overton Lodge, the Rt. Hon. Orville Armstrong, D.G.M., is currently in line to be the 2007-08 Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, the state-wide leader of Freemasons in Tennessee.

[edit] Bicentennial year

In 2005, Overton Lodge celebrated its two-hundredth year of Freemasonry in the heart of Rogersville. The Lodge recognized the achievements of its forebears, and offered special commemorative memorabilia as a part of the celebration.

[edit] Trivia

  • Overton Lodge is one of the few extant Lodges in Tennessee who was among the original founding lodges (see above).
  • Because its charter was never revoked, and by virtue of its founding year (1805), Overton Lodge is the oldest, extant lodge in Tennessee.
  • The home of Overton Lodge, Rogersville's Masonic Temple, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
  • Overton Lodge celebrated its bicentennial in 2005.

[edit] External links