Other Starfleet ship classes

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See also: List of Starfleet ship classes

This article is about Starfleet ships from the fictional universe of Star Trek which made very few appearances/references.


[edit] Andromeda class

Known Andromeda class starships:

USS Drake (NCC-70956) 
Ambushed by a Klingon battle group in 2373. Named for the 16th century navigator and explorer, Sir Francis Drake.
USS Prokofiev (NCC-68814) 
Dispatched to the border of the Federation-Cardassian Demilitarized Zone in 2370, following the arrest of Starfleet officer Miles O'Brien. Named for the 20th-century Russian Composer of Peter and the Wolf, Sergei Prokofiev.

[edit] Antares class

Known Antares class starships:

USS Antares (NCC-501) 
Federation science vessel whose crew rescued Charles Evans from planet Thasus in 2266. Commanded by Captain Ramart, the ship was destroyed when Evans caused a baffle plate on their energy pile to vanish. Named for the brightest star (as seen from Earth) in the constellation Scorpius (the Scorpion).
USS Hermes (NCC-10376) 
Served in Picard's flotilla to blockade the Romulan supply ships supplying the Duras family forces during the Klingon civil war of 2367-2368.

[edit] Apollo class

It is believed by some fans that the Apollo class is a reduced-size counterpart to the Ambassador class, similar to the relationship of the Miranda class to the Constitution class or of the Nebula class to the Galaxy class.

Known Apollo class ships:

[edit] Bradbury class

Known Bradbury class Starships

  • USS Bradbury - Registry number NX-72307

[edit] Challenger class

This class only appeared once on screen as the Buran, a wreck in the aftermath of the Battle of Wolf 359 in the Star Trek: The Next Generation two-part story The Best of Both Worlds. This design featured a Galaxy-style saucer with a secondary hull directly connected to the back of it and an unusual nacelle configuration, consisting of one upper and one lower Galaxy-style nacelle. Known Challenger class starships:

  • USS Armstrong - Registry number NCC-57537
    • The Armstrong was ambushed by a Klingon battle group in 2373 and took heavy casualties. After the battle, the Armstrong docked at Deep Space 9 to receive medical aid. Named for Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first human to set foot on Earth's moon.
  • USS Buran - Registry number NCC-57580
    • The Buran was one of the 39 starships destroyed by the Borg in the Battle of Wolf 359. The Buran was a "kit bashed" study model barely glimpsed among the wreckage of the "graveyard". The ship was named for the Russian space shuttle, which was in turn named for the Russian word for "snowstorm".
  • USS Kearsarge - Registry number NCC-57566
    • A scheduled rendezvous of the Kearsage with the Enterprise-D in 2370 was postponed for four days, allowing Worf and his son Alexander to attend the Kot'baval Festival. Named for the American aircraft carrier that served as the recovery vessel for Alan Shepard's Freedom Seven Mercury spacecraft.

[edit] Cheyenne class

Cheyenne class ships are composed of a single hull, resembling that of the Galaxy class on a smaller scale; from this, two pylons resembling Galaxy class necks rise from the aft end of the saucer, one on the dorsal side and one on the ventral, each supporting a boomerang-shaped plane with a warp engine nacelle at each tip, for a total of four warp engines.

This class only appeared as a wreck in the aftermath of the Battle of Wolf 359 in the Star Trek: The Next Generation two-part story The Best of Both Worlds.

Known Cheyenne class starships:

  • USS Ahwahnee (NCC-73620)
    • Destroyed by the Borg in the Battle of Wolf 359.
  • USS Ahwahnee (NCC-71620)
    • Participated in Captain Picard's tachyon blockade in the Klingon Civil War. It is unknown if this was the wrecked former Ahwahnee salvaged or an entirely new craft.

[edit] Chimaera class

Known Chimera class starships:

  • USS Portland - registry number NCC-57418
    • The Portland, along with a Cardassian cruiser, searched the Algira sector for Odo and Garak, when their runabout became missing in 2371, during the Romulan and Cardassian attack on the Founders' homeworld.

[edit] Daedalus class

The TNG episode "Power Play" establishes that the Daedaelus-class USS Essex, NCC-173, was active around two hundred years before the episode, in the 2160s. The Star Trek Encyclopedia identifies the USS Horizon and USS Archon, both contemporary ships mentioned having gone missing around 100 years prior to the Original Series, as Daedalus-class ships.

The Encyclopedia also provides a conjectural model for the ship, based on one of several proposed designs for the ship that later became the Starship Enterprise featured in the original show from the 1960s. This model has only been featured on screen as a model in Commander Benjamin Sisko's office on Deep Space 9. This design has a spherical primary hull attached to a cylindrical engineering hull by a short, horizontal connection, with two warp nacelles supported by two uncurving pylons running upward and to the sides from the dorsal side of the secondary hull. This design is based directly on an early concept by Matt Jeffries for the original Enterprise.[1]

The finale episode of Star Trek: Enterprise ("These Are the Voyages...") which is set in the mid 22nd century, it was strongly implied that by 2161 the NX class of Warp 5 ships had become obsolete with the introduction of Warp 7-capable vessels. It is possible that the Warp 7 ship is the Daedalus Class starship, which would be coming into use around this time.

Mentioned, extrapolated, or accepted known starships:

  • USS Daedalus (prototype)
  • USS Archon (NCC-189)
  • USS Essex (NCC-173)
  • USS Horizon (NCC-176)

[edit] Deneva class

Known Deneva class starships:

  • USS Arcos - registry number NCC-6237
    • Federation freighter that suffered a warp containment breach near planet Turkana IV in 2367. The Arcos crew evacuated when the ship exploded over Turkana IV. Their escape pod landed on the surface of the planet, whereupon they were captured by members of the Alliance.
  • USS LaSalle - registry number NCC-6203
    • LaSalle personnel reported the presence of a series of radiation anomalies in the Gamma Arigulon System in 2367.

[edit] Enterprise class

The original concept of the refitted U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701) seen in Star Trek: The Motion Picture designated the ship as the first of the new Enterprise class of starships, a notion that also appeared in spin-off materials at the time (since the refit was deemed to be a sufficient enough change to warrant designating a new class for the Enterprise). Later spin-off works asserted that the refitted ship remained a Constitution-class vessel.

The Enterprise bridge simulator seen on-screen in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan was designated Enterprise Class. Lieutenant Saavik used it in her attempt to complete the Kobayashi Maru scenario. However, blueprints for the nearly-identical Enterprise NCC-1701-A (which replaced the first Enterprise after that ship was destroyed) clearly stated that vessel to be Constitution-class (as seen on-screen in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country).

Personally, I would have to dissipate the question. It is all quite simple. The class does not necessarily designate the ship. The bridge itself, also, if you look closely, does not represent the actual version of the NCC-1701A. Some differences are in the control panels along the sides. The ship there, for one thing, does not look exactly like the 1701A. The nacelles are lower, more reminiscent of the B and C designations, however still retaining the basic configuration of the warp room and deflector shield. The room configuration is seen on an actual starship in Star Trek:Generations. Once again, I must reiterate that the room class has absolutely nothing to do with the ship class itself.

The non-canon, fan-produced book, Ships of the Starfleet says that the USS Lexington was supposed to be the first ship of this class. However, due to a delay in completing their five-year mission, the ship lost the honor of the first refit to the Enterprise.

[edit] DY-100 class

SS Botany Bay

  • Sleeper ship
  • Stripped and placed on Ceti Alpha V

SS Woden

  • Freighter

[edit] DY-500 class

SS Hokule'a - registry number DY-500-B

  • Captain Melinda Snodgrass

H.M.S. Lord Nelson - registry number DY-500-C

  • Captain Young Jae Kim

SS Mariposa registry number NAR-7678

  • Captain Walker Granger

[edit] Erewhon class

This class first appeared in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode Paradise. The Erewhon class starship was named for the book of the same name (about an imaginary land) by Samuel Butler.

Known Erewhon class starships:

  • SS Santa Maria (BDR-529)
    • Personnel transport, that embarked in 2360 for planet Gemulon V.
    • The ship suffered life-support failure in the vicinity of planet Orellius and was forced to land there to make repairs. Once there the ship and all its personnel became stranded.
    • The Santa Maria was named for Christopher Columbus' ship that reached the New World in 1492.

[edit] Federation class

The Federation-class dreadnought is a non-canon ship type first posited by Franz Joseph's Star Fleet Technical Manual. The Federation-class is similar to the Constitution-class, but has an additional nacelle. Odd-nacelled designs are rarely seen on screen: the one-nacelled Freedom-class appears as a wreck, and the Enterprise-D has been fitted with a third nacelle in the possible future shown in "All Good Things...".

At the start of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, the Dreadnought Entente, NCC-2120 is mentioned in radio chatter, matching the name and registry for one of the Federation-class ships given by Joseph. A picture of the Joseph's class appears on a computer screen in Star Trek II.

Diane Carey's novel Dreadnought! heavily features the three-nacelled, Federation dreadnought the USS Star Empire. Its registry disagrees with that given by Joseph (as does the claim that is it the class prototype: Joseph gives this as the USS Federation NCC-2100).

The Star Fleet Battles gaming universe presents the dreadnought as 50% larger than the heavy cruiser (Constitution and Enterprise classes) but it has little increase in firepower and is not up to par with the dreadnoughts of other races. It's justification is mostly as a command ship in fleet operations but is eventually phased out in favor of the battlecruiser classes (represented by the Excelsior class cruisers).

[edit] Freedom class

The Freedom class of ship follows a highly unusual design: the primary hull is an elliptical saucer with a pylon running downward and aftward from its bottom and attaching to a single Galaxy class nacelle.

This class only appeared as a wreck in the aftermath of the Battle of Wolf 359 in the Star Trek: The Next Generation two-part story The Best of Both Worlds.

Known Freedom class starships:

  • USS Concorde (NCC-68711)
    • Stationed near the Romulan neutral zone in a possible future timeline shown to Jean-Luc Picard by Q.
  • USS Firebrand (NCC-68723)
    • Fought against the Borg cube ship at the Battle of Wolf 359 in 2367.

[edit] Hokule'a class

This class is named for the Hawaiian voyaging canoe Hokulea, the first canoe built since ancient times to voyage unaided by instruments using only the stars for navigation. Known Hokule'a class starships:

  • USS Tripoli - registry number NCC-19386
    • The Tripoli was the ship that discovered the android Data, at the remains of the Federation colony at Omicron Theta in 2338. The crew of the Tripoli activated Data, who later went on to become a member of Starfleet.
    • The Tripoli was decommissioned, then relegated to Surplus Depot Zed-15 on the planet Qualor II. In 2368, the Tripoli was stolen by Romulan Operatives.

[edit] Istanbul class

Known Istanbul class starships:

  • USS Constantinople - registry number NCC-34852
    • The Constantinople suffered a hull breach near Gravesworld while carrying some 2012 colonists in 2365. Enterprise-D conducted a rescue mission to save that ship's crew.
    • Named for the Turkish city now known as Istanbul.
  • USS Havana - registry number NCC-34043
    • The Enterprise-D was to rendezvous with the Havana after studying the Bersallis firestorms of 2369.
    • Named after the Cuban capital city of Havana.
  • USS Sarajevo - registry number NCC-38529
    • The Sarajevo became lost in the Gamma Quadrant sometime prior to 2371. It was believed that the ship and crew fell victim to the Dominion.
    • Named after the Bosnian capital city of Sarajevo.

[edit] J class

smaller but same design as Y Class

E.C.S. Constellation

  • Freighter

E.C.S. Horizon

  • Freighter

Captain Mayweather was captain of the ship in the Star Trek: Enterprise Episode entitled "Broken Bow" however he was killed in action. The acting captain of the E.C.S. Horizon is Acting-Captain Paul Mayweather as of episode "Horizon"

[edit] Korolev class

Known Korolev class starships:

  • USS Goddard - registry number NCC-59621
    • Scheduled for a rendezvous with the Enterprise-D shortly after stardate 43421, The rendezvous was postponed after the signing of the Acamarian Truce.
    • The Goddard was part of the tachyon detection grid during the Klingon civil war of 2367-2368.
  • The Korolev class was named for spacecraft designer Sergey Pavlovich Korolev, a key figure in the early Russian space program.

[edit] Luna class

The USS Titan is described in the books as being a Luna-class starship, which entered service in the late 24th century. This class of starships was originally conceived in 2369 by Starfleet engineer, Dr. Xin Ra-Havreii. Dr. Ra-Havreii was motivated by the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole that year and so the Luna class was originally designed to explore planets in the Gamma quadrant. The advent of the Dominion War caused Starfleet to shelve the plans for these exploratory vessels in favor of more heavily-armed starships. With the end of the war, Starfleet re-evaluated the Luna-class plans and decided to proceed with the project. Initially, 12 ships were ordered, and all were completed by 2379. These vessels have been compared to the Constitution-class starships of the previous century, which carried out similar roles.

The Luna class vessels carry a modest armanent, sufficient to defend themselves in many situations, but not as well armed as the larger Galaxy and Sovereign classes, nor the similarly sized but more combat-oriented Akira-class. As with most starships, Luna class ships are not designed for atmospheric operations or combat but carry a complement of 8 shuttles of differing specification which are capable of operations in or out of planetary atmospheres. Additionally, as with some other Starfleet ship classes, the Luna class ships include a "captain's yacht," a larger and more luxurious vessel than typical shuttlecraft for the express use of the vessel's commanding officer.

The Luna class starship design is typical of several others of the same time period. One of the main differences to other ships is the addition of a much smaller secondary dish at the rear of the main dish. This is presumably the command deck. Also, the nacelle configuration, unlike the one of such ships as the USS Enterprise, is placed at the underside, with the support struts pointed down for a more streamlined ship. This presumably aids in travel at the higher warp speeds.

In real life, the Luna class was designed by Sean Tourangeau. Tourangeau entered his design into the Starship Titan Design Contest held by Simon & Schuster, Inc. The competition was held in order to obtain a ship design for the Star Trek: Titan series of novels. Because the Luna design has not been featured on-screen, it is not canon, however, the Titan's mention in Star Trek: Nemesis means that the existence of the ship is.

Known Luna class starships

  • USS Titan - Registry Number NCC-80102
    • The USS Titan (NCC-80102) is a Luna class starship, designed primarily for scientific discovery. Described as 450 metres long, the Titan was built with state-of-the-art science facilities as opposed to being a more tactically pronounced starship. With a complement of approximately 350 persons, the USS Titan comprises the most racially diverse crew in Starfleet, with less than 15% of the population being human, as well as a number of non-humanoid beings.
    • The USS Titan is commanded by Captain William Thomas Riker, formerly first officer of the USS Enterprise.
  • USS Luna (pathfinder)
    • Ship was destroyed in the novel "Taking Wing" of the Star Trek:Titan novel series
  • USS Ganymede - Active
  • USS Io - Active

All these ships are named after moons in Earth's solar system.

[edit] Mediterranean class

Known Mediterranean class starships:

  • USS Lalo - registry number NCC-43837
    • The Lalo was a freighter that reported a "hiccough" in time that was found to be the result of Dr. Paul Manheim's time/gravity experiments at Andor IV in 2364.
    • The Lalo was lost in late 2366 after apparently encountering a Borg ship near Zeta Alpha II.
  • USS Wyoming - registry number NCC-43730
    • Tuvok served aboard the Starship Wyoming in 2349 after returning to Starfleet following an absence of 51 years.

--This ship may in fact be a America class

[edit] Merced class

Known Merced class starships:

  • USS Trieste - registry number NCC-37124
    • The Trieste was stationed near Starbase 74 and was unable to render assistance when the Enterprise-D was hijacked by the Bynars in 2364. The Trieste was some 66 hours away at the time.
    • Data served aboard the Trieste prior to his assignment to the Enterprise-D. During Data's tour of duty on the Trieste, the ship once fell through a wormhole.
    • The Trieste was named for the bathyscaphe in which oceanographer Jacques Piccard (for whom Captain Picard was named) explored Earth's marianas in the 1960s.

[edit] Niagara class

The Niagara class has an Ambassador-style secondary hull and three Galaxy-style nacelles.

This class only appeared on screen once, as the Princeton, a wreck in the aftermath of the Battle of Wolf 359 in the Star Trek: The Next Generation two-part story The Best of Both Worlds.

Known Niagara class starships:

  • USS Princeton - registry number NCC-59804
    • The Princeton was among the 39 ships lost to the Borg in the battle of Wolf 359.
  • USS Wellington - registry number NCC-28473
    • The Wellington underwent a computer system upgrade by Bynar technicians at Starbase 74 in 2364.
    • The Wellington was in the vicinity of Starbase 123 in early 2367. It reported unusual readings after a warp field experiment aboard the Enterprise-D by Wesley Crusher.
    • Ensign Ro Laren served aboard the Wellington until she was held responsible for an incident in which eight people were killed on Garon II because of Ro's failure to obey orders.

[edit] Norway class

The Norway class is a rarely seen starship class used by Starfleet. The Norway class is a unique starship design with an angular trowel-shaped saucer section attached to two cigar-shaped warp nacelles by pylons running aft. The main bridge and lifeboats are embedded into the saucer to provide for better protection from enemy fire by blocking against attacks from the side. At the bow of the saucer is the main navigational deflector and a forward phaser cannon.

In real life, the Norway class was designed by Alex Jaeger at Industrial Light and Magic and rendered as a computer-generated visual effect for Star Trek: First Contact. However, the computer files were irrevocably corrupted before they could be used again following the movie. Therefore, very little is known about the ship. In fact, the actual design of the ship is slightly controversial, as there are two known images of the ship: One in the Star Trek tech manuals, and one in the background of the movie.

Known Norway class starships:

[edit] Peregrine class

The Peregrine class was originally developed as a small courier vessel. The Maquis used modified, lightly armed Peregrine class ships as interceptors in their war with the Cardassians. The Peregrine class was also extensively used by Starfleet during the Dominion War as a close range fighter. Peregrine fighters were used at the first line of offence in Operation Return, with many fighters lost in the effort to break the Cardassian/Dominion lines

[edit] Renaissance class

Known Renaissance class starships:

  • USS Aries - registry number NCC-45167
    • William Riker turned down a chance to command this ship in 2365.
    • The Aries was the last assignment of former Victory crew member Mendez before her disappearance in 2367.
    • The Aries was named for the constellation (the Ram) of the same name, as well as for the moon landing shuttle from the motion picture 2001: A Space Odyssey.
  • USS Hokkaido
  • USS Hornet - registry number NCC-45231
    • The ship served in Picard's armada to blockade Romulan supply ships supplying the Duras family forces during the Klingon civil war of 2367-2368.
    • The Hornet was named for an American aircraft carrier that fought at the Battle of Midway in World War II. Years later, another ship with that name was the recovery vessel for the Apollo 11 moon landing mission.
  • USS Maryland - registry number NCC-45109
    • The Maryland was lost in the Gamma Quadrant some time prior to 2371; it was believed that the ship and crew fell victim to the Dominion.
    • The ship was named for the several naval vessels that served the United States in the 20th century.

[edit] Rigel class

Known Rigel class starships:

  • USS Akagi - Registry number NCC-62158
    • The Akagi served in Picard's armada to blockade Romulan supply ships supplying the Duras family forces during the Klingon civil war in 2368. In 2374, the Akagi was a part of the Ninth Fleet headquartered at starbase Deep Space 9. The Akagi was named for the Japanese carrier that fought the American warship USS Hornet in the Battle of Midway in World War II.
  • USS Tolstoy - Registry number NCC-62095
    • The Tolstoy was destroyed by the Borg at the battle of Wolf 359 in 2367. The Tolstoy was named for the Russian author Leo Tolstoy, who wrote War and Peace.

[edit] Saladin class

USS Saladin
USS Saladin
USS Saladin
USS Saladin

The Saladin class is a type of starship that originated in Franz Joseph's Star Fleet Technical Manual. Diagrams from this Technical Manual were used in bridge displays in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. The Technical Manual designates it is a "destroyer", and claims the class ship is the USS Saladin, NCC-500. The ship has only one nacelle.

[edit] Sequoia class

Known Sequoia class starships:

  • USS Yellowstone - registry number NCC-70073
  • USS Sequoia-registry unknown
    • Presumably pathfider of the class.

[edit] Soyuz class

The Soyuz class of starship is similar to the Miranda class starship. Named for the Russian word for "union" the Soyuz-class vessels have a larger aft section to allow for greater cargo and shuttle space. This class also has four pods extending out from the middle of the main hull, these were never identified on screen. In 2288 the Soyuz class was retired from service, although one vessel of this type, the USS Bozeman, was encountered by the Enterprise-D in 2368 after being caught in a time loop for 90 years.

Known Soyuz class starships:

  • USS Bozeman. NCC-1941.
    • Commanded by Captain Morgan Bateson. In 2278, the Bozeman left its home starbase and headed out on patrol; it was subsequently caught in a time warp and thrown into the future, landing in 2368 (where it briefly became stuck in a time loop, repeatedly colliding with the Enterprise-D). The Bozeman remained in 2368 for the rest of its operational existence (converted to a standard Miranda configuration, it appeared in Star Trek: Generations and Star Trek: First Contact). The Bozeman is still said to be in commission to this day, although its future in Starfleet for such an outdated ship seems bleak. However in the movie Star Trek Nemesis the scene where Data and Picard observe the fleet movements for the fleet battle against the romulan vessel the Bozeman is seen in manouvers with the rest of the fleet.

[edit] Springfield class

The platform is made up of a Galaxy-like saucer with two back-set nacelles rising slightly above the plane of the saucer. An underslung Galaxy class secondary hull attaches below the saucer by four inward-curving pylons, two on each side. A second pod, possibly a sensors or weapons pod, attaches to the primary hull and rises in between the warp engines.

The only appearance of this class is based on fan's speculation that the USS Chekov, which was mentioned in a draft of the Next Generation episode "The Best of Both Worlds" was of the Springfield class. However this dialogue was changed to mention the USS Tolstoy instead.

Known Springfield class ships:

  • USS Chekov (NCC-57302)
    • Destroyed by the Borg at the Battle of Wolf 359.

[edit] Surak class

Known Surak class starships:

  • USS Zapata - Registry number NCC-33184
    • The Enterprise-D was scheduled to meet the Zapata following the mission to the Gamma Erandi Nebula in 2366. The Zapata was named for the Mexican revolutionary leader and agrarian reformer, Emiliano Zapata.

[edit] Sydney class

Known Sydney class starships:

  • USS Jenolen - Registry number NCC-2010
    • The Jenolen disappeared in 2294 and was presumed lost. It was not until 2369 that it was discovered the Jenolen had crashed into a Dyson Sphere, and that one passenger, Captain Montgomery Scott, had survived for 75 years by suspending himself in a modified transporter beam. Shortly after Scott's rescue, Geordi La Forge and Scott repaired the Jenolen's systems sufficiently to help the Enterprise-D escape from the sphere's interior, although the Jenolen was destroyed in the process.
  • USS Nash - Registry number NCC-2010-5
    • The USS Nash is assumed to be the ship that was frequently seen at DS9.

[edit] Wambundu class

Known Wambundu class starships:

  • USS Drake - Registry number NCC-20381
    • Ship disappeared in the Lorenze Cluster. The Drake had been under the command of Captain Paul Rice when it was destroyed, apparently by an ancient weapons system still operational at planet Minos in 2364, William Riker had been offered the command of the Drake, but he turned it down to serve aboard the Enterprise-D. TNG:The Arsenal of Freedom
    • The ship was named after the English admiral Sir Francis Drake, who commanded the first British ship to circumnavigate planet Earth.
  • USS Fleming - Registry number NCC-20316
    • Medical Transport ship. The Fleming disappeared in the Hekaras Corridor in 2370. At the time of her disappearing, the Fleming was carrying a rare and valuable biomimetic gel. It was initially feared that the Fleming might have been hijacked for his cargo, but the ship was discovered within the Corridor, disabled by a Hekaran verteron mine. Unfortunately, almost immediately following its discovery, a subspace rift formed within the Corridor, and the Fleming was trapped within the rift. The crew of the Enterprise-D was able to beam the Fleming personnel onto the Enterprise-D, but the ship itself was lost. TNG:Force of Nature
    • The Fleming was named for Sir Alexander Fleming, the British bacteriologist who rediscovered penicillin.

[edit] Whorfin class

SS Lakul - Registry number - NFT-7793

  • El-Aurian refugee transport ship
  • Destroyed by energy ribbon

SS Robert Fox - Registry number NFT-1327

  • El-Aurian refugee transport ship
  • Destroyed by energy ribbon

USS Whorfin - Registry number NCC-1024

  • a ship identified by Enterprise-B displays in the movie Star Trek: Generations

[edit] Y class

larger than J Class

E.C.S. Fortunate - Registry Number ECS-2801

  • Freighter
  • Captain of the Fortunate is Captain Keene while its temporary First Officer is First Officer Matthew Ryan

[edit] Yorkshire class

Known Yorkshire class starships:

  • USS Denver - Registry number NCC-54927
    • In 2368, the Denver was transporting 517 colonists to the Beloti Sector when the ship struck a gravitic mine left over from the Cardassians wars. The Denver sustained heavy damage, crashing in the Mericor system. The Enterprise-D was called in to assist with the survivors.

[edit] Yellowstone class

Known Yellowstone class starships:

  • USS Yellowstone - Registry number NX-74751
    • Prototype for an advanced Starfleet runabout spacecraft that employed tetryon plasma warp nacelles. In an alternate reality, Ensign Harry Kim and Lieutenant Laska were key members of the Yellowstone design team in 2372. The craft lost antimatter containment and was destroyed when Kim was returning to his original reality.

[edit] Zodiac class

Known Zodiac class starships:

USS Yorktown (NCC-61137) 
In the anti-time reality created by the Q Continuum, Admiral William Riker ordered the Yorktown to make long-range sensor sweeps of the Devron system in search of a temporal anomaly.
Star Trek starship classes
Starfleet: Starfleet starships
Akira | Ambassador | Constellation | Constitution | Danube | Defiant | Excelsior | Galaxy | Hope/Olympic | Intrepid | Miranda | Nebula
New Orleans | Nova | NX† | Oberth | Prometheus | Saber | Sovereign | Steamrunner | Wells | Other Starfleet ships
Andorian Imperial Guard: Kumari | Borg Collective: Borg starships | Cardassian Union: Cardassian starships | Ferengi Alliance: D'Kora
Jem'Hadar: Jem'Hadar starships | Kazon Sects: Kazon ship classes | Klingon Empire: Klingon starships
Romulan Empire: Romulan starships | Suliban Cabal: Suliban cell ship | Vulcan: Vulcan starships | Xindi: Xindi starships

† – Pre-Federation