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What is the source for that big number of settlers? The numbers I remember were closer to 10,000 rather than 160,000... Or perhaps it is the difference between those actually settled there and those who were treated as such by the Soviet system of terror? Halibutt 21:20, 30 December 2005 (UTC)

I'd rather assume a missing zero in your source. In my recent update I added their distribution by nationalities, and Polish ethnicity are like 100,000. I would believe that NKVD grabbed more than real, but not 10 times more. mikka (t) 02:51, 31 December 2005 (UTC)

И3 СПРАВКИ начальника Отдела транспортных перевозок Главного управления лагерей НКВД СССР ст.лейтенанта М.КОНРАДОВА на имя Л.П.БЕРИИ О. ПРИЕМЕ И РАССЕЛЕНИИ ОСАДНИКОВ

Национальный состав спецпоселенцев — польских осадников и беженцев
Апрель 1941 г.*
Национальность в том числе
Всего осадники беженцы
Поляки 96593 88654 7939
Евреи 59031 179 58852
Украинцы 9334 7811 1523
Белорусы 9084 9002 82
Немцы 271 152 119
Другие 2730 1514 1210
Всего. 177043 107312 69725
*Таблица составлена по: ГАРФ, ф. 9479, оп. 1, д. 61, л. 34—39.

В данных нет сведении о национальном составе 33539 спецпереселенцев (27270 осадников и 6269 беженцев). проживавших преимущественно в Казахской ССР, Красноярском крае и Вологодской области (The table doesn't take into an account 33,539 special settlers) mikka (t) 02:51, 31 December 2005 (UTC)

Bah, and the controversy is solved now. The Soviet statistics above mention both osadniks, war reffugees and DPs (состав спецпоселенцев — польских осадников и беженцев). It is quite logical that the number of DPs was high and most of them were trying to escape to Eastern Poland in 1939, before the Soviets entered and grabbed them. I believe that the Soviets simply applied the term osadnik to anyone they pleased, be them factual settlers, DPs or people who had lived there for all of their lives. After all the same happened to all the ther categories of criminals: kulaks, counter-revolutionaries and so on. Any idea on how to explain this in the article? Halibutt 14:58, 17 February 2006 (UTC)