Organizations in the Warcraft universe

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Organizations in the Warcraft universe is is an alphabetical list of the major and minor groups and organizations in the Warcraft universe — a fictional universe in which a series of video games and books are set.

The organizations and factions featured here have been featured prominently at one time or another in the Warcraft universe.

[edit] Alliance

Main article: Alliance (Warcraft)

The Alliance is one of the major factions in the Warcraft universe. In World of Warcraft the playable races of the Alliance include the Humans, the Ironforge Dwarves, the Gnomes, the Night Elves, and soon, in the expansion set "The Burning Crusade", the Draenei. However, several splinter factions have decidedly split from the Alliance such as the Scarlet Crusade.

[edit] Alterac

The weakest of the human nations, Alterac made a pact with the Orcs during the Second War, and betrayed the Human Alliance. As a result of this, they were wiped out by the Human Forces of Lordaeron. The traitorous nation were found out after assisting the Orcish Navy in blocking Uther the Lightbringer from reaching the troubled citizens of Caer Darrow. The remaining Alterac forces then gave up and were taken as prisoner by the Alliance, who then proceeded to interrogate them. Past rulers: Lord Perenolde.

[edit] Amani Empire

Main article: Amani Empire

Ancient tribe of Forest Trolls from the middle forestlands.

[edit] Argent Dawn

Main article: Argent Dawn

The Argent Dawn is a small organization dedicated to fighting the undead Scourge that controls the continent of Lordaeron. It is composed of members of all non-Scourge races, including the Forsaken.

[edit] Stormwind (formerly known as Azeroth)

Main article: Azeroth (kingdom)

One of the key members of the Alliance, and the original combatants of the First War. Past rulers: King Wrynn, King Llane, Lord Anduin Lothar, King Varien Wrynn, King Anduin Wrynn.

[edit] The Black Tooth Grin Clan

The Black Tooth Grin clan was originally part of the Blackrock clan, but broke away when they came to Azeroth after Blackhand was deposed as Warchief. His sons Rend and Maim took control of the clan for their own power base within the Horde. Rend and Maim, leaders of the clan, assassinated the parents of the New Horde's Warchief Thrall. The clan is so named because every recruit must knock out one of their own teeth to show their loyalty to the clan. Leaders: Rend Blackhand, Maim Blackhand.

[edit] Blackrock Clan

During the second war it was the strongest of the orc clans in Azeroth. Control of the clan was seized by Doomhammer when he betrayed Blackhand. It is currently a major hostile group to both horde and alliance in the Burning Steppes, and an anti-alliance group in Redridge. Leaders: Blackhand the Destroyer, Orgrim Doomhammer, Jubei`Thos.

[edit] Bleeding Hollow Clan

The Bleeding Hollow Clan was one of the most legendary of the clans in the second war and were able to evade capture by Alliance forces. With Ner'zhul's help they were able to make it back to the relative safety of Draenor. The clan is so named because its leader, Killrogg Deadeye, had lost one of his eyes. Leaders: Killrogg Deadeye.

[edit] The Bloodsail Buccaneers

The Bloodsail Buccaneers is an organization of pirates that operate out of a base in southern Stranglethorn Vale, near the goblin town of Booty Bay. The Bloodsail Buccaneers are fiercely hostile to the Blackwater Raiders that control Booty Bay in conjunction with the Steamwheedle Cartel. Rumor has it that adventurers who prove their worth to the Bloodsail Buccaneers are given a special place in the ranks of the Bloodsail Navy.

[edit] Bonechewer Clan

The Bonechewer Clan was known for its members ornamenting themselves with bones and other organs in battle as well as for their cannabilistic nature. Leader: Tagar Spinebreaker.

[edit] Bronzebeard Clan

Main article: Dwarf (Warcraft)

The ruling dynasty of the Ironforge Dwarves of Khaz Modan. The Bronzebeard clan of dwarves is the most prominent and influential group of dwarves. It was the Bronzebeards who initially built and occupied Ironforge in Dun Morogh. It was the Thane Madoran Bronzebeard who led his people to victory over the threat of the Dark Iron dwarves. In modern times, King Magni Bronzebeard continues to carry the torch of the ancient clan as the current King Under the Mountain. Magni's brothers, Muradin Bronzebeard and Brann Bronzebeard are also notable members of the Bronzebeard clan. Leaders: Magni Bronzebeard

[edit] Brotherhood of the Light

As Tirion Fordring watched his son Taelan die, he swore to establish a new holy order, free from the corruption of prejudice and politics. He founded the Brotherhood of the Light, which seems to have quickly attracted several powerful paladins and priests into its ranks. Currently, his officers are overseeing the diplomatic negotiations between the Scarlet Crusade and the Argent Dawn at Light's Hope Chapel. Not much is revealed about this order other than the notion that it has become very influential by the time of Kel'Thuzad's invasion.

[edit] Burning Blade

The Burning Blade was one of the most savage and untrustworthy of the Orc clans. Being anarchic they never have had a leader. Instead the members of the clan rule themselves. Most of these Orcs learned from their mistakes of trusting Gul'dan. Those Orcs who were not slaughtered by The Human Alliance became the seasoned blademasters of The Orcish Horde and now serve the New Horde unquestioningly. A few Burning Blade Orcs still remain loyal to The Burning Legion, but these Orcs are few and no longer hold favour with the Legion.

[edit] Burning Legion

Main article: Burning Legion

The Burning Legion is the demonic army created by the titan Sargeras. When Sargeras the Dark Titan decided to set the universe aflame, he created a demonic army to serve that purpose. The Burning Legion was led by Archimonde the Defiler and Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, two Eredar warlocks who possessed immense power.

[edit] Cenarion Circle

The Cenarion Circle is a group of druids dedicated to the keeping of the balance within the world. Like the Argent Dawn, they are not concerned with mundane politics, but rather seek to unite and protect nature. The Circle's membership includes druids from both the Horde and the Alliance, and the organization itself is based in Moonglade. They offer a variety of quests, mostly to do with the training of druids. Moonglade is accessible to any character, but the route to the entrance involves either killing or allying with the Timbermaw Furbolgs. Druids are given the "Teleport: Moonglade" spell at level 10.

The Cenarion Circle has recently established a major outpost, Cenarion Hold, in the desert of Silithus. There they contend with the insectoid Silithid and the sinister Twilight's Hammer cultists, and lead the preparation for conflict with the deadly inhabitants of long-sealed Ahn'Qiraj.

[edit] The Cult of the Damned

Main article: Kel'Thuzad

The Cult of the Damned is a secret organization founded by the necromancer Kel'Thuzad after his return from Northrend and his encounter with the Lich King. Facilitating the vast knowledge and power that Kel'Thuzad gained from his new Master, he then approached the disenfranchised peasants and citizens of Lordaeron, who found themselves easily swayed from their faith in the Holy Light by the Cult's offerings of social equality and immortality in exchange for their eternal loyalty to the Lich King, whom was regarded by the Cult as a God. Furthermore the Cult of the Damned was responsible for the initial infection of many citizens of Lordaeron by infecting the granaries at Andorhal and Brill with the Plague that eventually lead to the uprising of the Scourge and the destruction of major parts of the region known thereafter as the Plaguelands.Religious Leader:Kel'Thuzad.

[edit] Dalaran

Main article: Dalaran

A city-state of mages, led from the Violet Citadel in the centre of the city. Dalaran was the third nation to be attacked and completely destroyed when the Burning Legion arrived during the Third War, due to the mageocracy being the only group that could initially pose a threat to the Burning Legion. In World of Warcraft, there only remains an immense magical sphere, within which the city-state is being rebuilt by the survivors. Past rulers: The Kirin Tor.

[edit] Dark Iron Clan

Dwarves that are found throughout the continent of Khaz Modan and have currently been enslaved by the Firelord Ragnaros. Ruled by Emperor Thaurissan during the War of the Three Hammers their current ruler is a possible descendant, Emperor Dagran Thaurissan. They are a determined enemy of the Bronzebeard dwarves and have no alligence to either the Horde or the Alliance. A Dark Iron is instantly recognisable from a Bronzebeard or a Wildhammer dwarf, their coal black skin and fiery red eyes make them easily identified. Plus the fact they will try to kill you. A few Dark Irons have split from the main clan to form the Thorium Brotherhood, a faction bent on unlocking the secrets of Blackrock Mountain, and are at war with ther main Dark Iron Clan.

[edit] Darkspear Tribe

Main article: Darkspear Tribe

The Trolls of the Darkspear tribe, long since exiled from their ancestral lands in Stranglethorn Vale, were nearly destroyed by rampaging Murlocs. Rescued by the young Warchief Thrall and his Orcish warriors, The Darkspear tribe swore allegiance to the Horde.Leaders:Sen'jin,Vol'jin.

[edit] Death Knights

The first generation of Death Knights were an army of slain Human Knights possessed by the spirits of Orcish warlocks and infused with the powers of the necrolytes, increasing their power. They were originally created by Gul'dan and enabled his Stormreaver Clan to become one of the most powerful in the Horde. After Gul'dans death, many Death Knights joined Ner'zhul on his escape from Draenor during the Second War and were turned into Liches by the Burning Legion.

The new Death Knights are a force of anti-Paladins: still-living humans who have submitted to the will of the Lich King and now wield runeblades and necromantic powers and ride on undead mounts similar to those of the original Death Knights.

Notable 1st-gen Death Knights: Teron Gorefiend.

Notable 2nd-gen Death Knights: Arthas Menethil, Baron Rivendare,Highlord Morgaine,Sir Zielek,Thane Korthazz,Alexei Barov,Marduk the Black.

[edit] The Defilers

The Defilers are a group of Forsaken stationed in the Arathi Highlands. They are the Horde's battleground faction for Arathi Basin.

[edit] Defias Brotherhood, The

After the Alliance recapture of Stormwind following the Second Great War, the city was in ruins. The town was rebuilt by Edwin VanCleef, an architect for the Alliance. However, he was not compensated upon completion of his task. Disillusioned with the Alliance, VanCleef founded a group of bandits known as the Defias Brotherhood whose base of operations is at the Deadmines in Westfall. The Defias have taken over parts of Elwynn Forest, Duskwood, Westfall, and Stormwind. Many have also been captured and placed in the Stormwind Stockade. They are a dangerous group, with infiltrators in even the highest circles of Stormwind Nobility. Quest lines at later levels, such as The Missing Diplomat, reveal a worldwide plot related to the 10-year-old king of Stormwind.

[edit] Dragonmaw Clan

The Dragonmaw Clan was very loyal to Blackhand when he was warchief and pledged loyalty to Rend and Maim after his death. The Dragonmaw Clan was also responsible for enslaving Alexstrasza and raising her young to fight the humans. Past Leaders: Zuluhed the Whacked, Nekros Skullcrusher, Nek'krosh Skullcrusher.

[edit] Druid of the Claw

The Druids of The Claw present themselves in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. They are protectors of nature with the ability of acquiring a bear form. The mightiest of them is Malfurion Stormrage the Archdruid. He is Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind's lover and the brother of Illidan Stormrage, who betrayed both Malfurion and Tyrande on more than one occasion for the powers of magic that he craved.

[edit] Forsaken, The

The Forsaken began when the Dark Lady, former High Elf Ranger General Sylvanas Windrunner, broke free from the Lich King. The struggling High Elf, given back her corporeal form, began to amass an army using her possessive powers. Eventually she began to amass an army pulled straight out of the Scourge's ranks. She eventually allied with the dreadlord Varimathras and took over a homeland from the residing Humans and Scourge armies. Their capital is the Undercity, which is beneath the ruined city of Lordaeron. Leaders: Sylvanas Windrunner

[edit] Frostwolf Clan

The Frostwolf Clan was exiled from Draenor long ago because of the repeatedly-voiced dissent of its former leader, Durotan, concerning the old Horde's ban on shamanism and the threat of the demonic influence among orcs. Drek'thar eventually succeeded Durotan after his assassination by Rend and Maim (which was blamed upon Doomhammer). Along with Drek'thar, the Frostwolf clan lived along the Alterac Mountains practicing shamanism, and having Frost Wolves as their companions. The Far Seer heroes in Warcraft III were based on the Frostwolf Clan's members. Past Leaders: Durotan, Drek`thar, Thrall. The Frostwolf Clan are central to the Horde's ambitions in the battleground of Alterac Valley. In World of Warcraft, you can fight alongside the Frostwolf as a member of the Horde in the Battleground Alterac Valley, gaining reputation and the ability to purchase special items from the frostwolf, including a Frostwolf Howler, a wolf adorned with Frostwolf markings. Leaders: Durotan (deceased), Drek'thar

[edit] Gelkis Clan Centaur

The shamanistic Gelkis Clan Centaurs are one of two warring centaur clans that players can align themselves with. The Gelkis clan is at war with all non-gelkis centaurs, but their main foe is the Magram clan.

Leaders: Shakka Khan, Uthek the Wise:

[edit] Gilneas

A distant nation which has never fully supported the Alliance. During the Third War they closed the gates of the Greymane Wall, leaving them untouched by the Burning Legion and the Scourge. Those gates haven't been opened since. Past rulers: Genn Greymane.

[edit] Gnomes of Gnomeregan

Main article: Gnome (Warcraft)

Gnomes are a race that are good at engineering and other trade skills. They provided courageous help with the Alliance in the First and Second Great War, but didn't send any help during the Third. Puzzled by this lack of help, the Alliance later found out that the gnomes' capital city, Gnomeregan, was under attack by troggs. Not intending to bother the Alliance as they had much more trouble than they could handle, the gnomes tried to fight back, but failed. Gnomes can now be found mainly in Tinker Town of Ironforge.

[edit] Gurubashi Empire

Main article: Gurubashi Empire

Last united Troll nation in the World of Warcraft. They were destroyed when they banished their main god Hakkar from the world.

[edit] Horde

Main article: Orc (Warcraft)

The Horde is one of the major factions in the Warcraft Universe. The wary, though official, truce with the Alliance to fight the invasion of the Burning Legion in Warcraft III does not seem to exist in World of Warcraft, though the Horde is at war with Illidan Stormrage's Army, the Burning Legion, and the Scourge. The Horde and Alliance are very weary of each others actions in World of Warcraft, so hostility is commonplace.

[edit] Hydraxian Waterlords

The Hydraxian Waterlords represent the interests of the water elementals and their lord, Neptulon the Tidehunter. They are the sworn enemies of the firelord Ragnaros and his fire elementals.

[edit] Kul Tiras

A seafaring nation that contributed to the naval forces of the Alliance during the Second War. During the aftermath of the Third War (in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne), Kul Tiras led an unsuccessful attack against the new Horde in Durotar, which saw the death of Admiral Proudmoore. Kul Tiras still maintain a presence in World of Warcraft. Past rulers: Daelin Proudmoore, Tandred Proudmoore.

[edit] Laughing Skull Clan

The Laughing Skull clan was a very deceptive and treacherous clan of Orcs that was distrusted by most of the other clans. Though they assisted the Alliance Expedition to Draenor by offering them the book of Medivh in exchange for the destruction of its rivals in the Blade's Edge Mountain Range, it was eventually destroyed in the cataclysmic destruction of Draenor. Leader: Mogor the Ogre.

[edit] Lordaeron

Main article: Lordaeron

The head of the Alliance during the Second War. Lordaeron was almost completely wiped out during the Third War (Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos). The land known as Lordaeron is now contested by the remnants of its people, either affiliated with the Alliance or the Scarlet Crusade, as well as the Forsaken and the Undead Scourge. Past rulers: King Terenas Menethil, King Arthas Menethil, Lady Sylvanas Windrunner.

[edit] Magram Clan Centaur

A clan of centaurs in Desolace. This clan is at war with the Kolkar and Maraudine, but their greatest enemy is the Gelkis clan. The Magrams are recruiting noncentaurs to help them with their battle.

attacks on the world of Azeroth, the Ahn'Qiraj war both current

[edit] New Horde, The

Main article: Horde (Warcraft)

Thrall united all the Orcish clans, and abolished necromancy and warlock magic (Although, oddly enough, players in World of Warcraft can be an Orc Warlock) under the banner of the New Horde. Now the orcs can only practice the magic of their ancient roots of shamanism. This rule was created by Thrall so the Orcs would not turn back into pawns of the Burning Legion.

Thrall also integrated the united Tauren tribes and the Darkspear trolls into the Horde. The Forsaken were accepted in an "alliance of convenience" in World of Warcraft. And soon to be added in the expansion set "The Burning Crusade", the Blood Elves.

[edit] Night Elf Sentinels

Main article: Night elf

Night elven army led by Tyrande Whisperwind, charged with protecting the forests of Kalimdor against the Burning Legion.

[edit] Night Watch, The (Duskwood)

The Nightwatch was founded by Mayor Ello Ebonlocke to provide security for the people of Duskwood when the forces of Stormwind were recalled. The Nightwatch is made up of local volunteers rather than Alliance troops. While loyal to the Alliance, the Nightwatch serves the people of Duskwood first and foremost. The Nightwatch will not leave its post so long as Duskwood is under threat of being overrun.

The Nightwatch guards Duskwood from various threats, including: the undead forces of Morbent Fel, the marauding Worgens, Ogres, and large, hostile spiders.

Leader: Commander Althea Ebonlocke

[edit] Order of Tirisfal

An ancient mystical council of powerful human and elven magi, formed by the Kirin Tor of Dalaran and the Convocation of Silvermoon. Tirisfal -- so named because its first meeting was in the Tirisfal Glades -- resolved to continuously battle the lingering presence of the Burning Legion on Azeroth by imbuing one of its order with immense powers from each member, in order to serve as a Guardian. Medivh, the son of Magna Aegwynn, was the last Guardian.

[edit] Pandaren Empire

Main article: Pandaren

The Pandaren Empire is made up of Panda-like creatures hidden away somewhere in Azeroth.

[edit] People's Militia, The (Westfall)

When the Defias Brotherhood took over the town of Moonbrook in Westfall, Lord Gryan Stoutmantle formed the People's Militia. Based in the keep of Sentinel Hill, the People's Militia fights against the Defias, trying to eradicate the Brotherhood from Westfall.

[edit] Quel'Thalas

Main article: Quel'Thalas

Quel'Thalas is the High Elven nation founded after the Highborn survivors of the Sundering were banished from Kalimdor. Besieged by trolls early in its existence, they taught the early Humans magic in exchange for a military alliance.

Quel'Thalas was destroyed by Arthas and the Scourge in the Third War. Arthas used Quel'Thalas' Sunwell to reanimate Kel'Thuzad. Although Arthas thought it was for the sole purpose of allowing Kel'Thuzad to be reborn, it was actually to prepare the way for the arrival of the Burning Legion.

Quel'Thalas territory is now in the control of the Blood Elves. While High Elves were allied with the Alliance for much of history, due to the destruction of their homeland and their Sunwell, they lost the source of magic they need to quench their magical addiction. Blood Elves are survivors of Arthas invasion who chose to turn to demonic power to satisfy their magic addiction.

While there are remnants of High Elves who do not affiliate with Blood Elves, they do not present in great numbers.

[edit] Ravenholdt

Ravenholdt is a guild of thieves and assassins. Unlike most of the other rogue guilds, they are not immediately hostile to nonmembers, and are willing to cooperate with rogues from the alliance or horde.

The Ravenholdt guild is based in a mansion hidden in the mountains of northern Hillsbrad, and from there they coordinate their attacks against their rivals, the more infamous and powerful thieves' guild known only as "the Syndicate".

[edit] Royal Apothecary Society

Forsaken sect which researches new plagues and a remedy to their undead existence.

[edit] Sandfury Tribe

The Sandfury tribe lives in the Tanaris desert in the ruins of the city of Zul'Farrak, led by chief Sandscalp and his advisor Antu'sul. From this ancient city, they plot against the goblins of Gadgetzan and worship their patron deity, Gahzrilla, a mighty entity that sleeps in a sacred pool within the city. It is said that this tribe possesses an ancient blade called Sul'Thraze the Sunlasher--which has long ago been shattered into two smaller blades. If such a weapon exists, it is extremely rare and powerful, and the fragments are likely guarded personally by the chief and his advisor.

[edit] Scarlet Crusade

Main article: Scarlet Crusade

The Scarlet Crusade is an organization of religious zealots who combat the undead (Scourge and Forsaken alike) that control Lordaeron. Their mission is the complete eradication of the undead from Lordaeron, so that it may be reclaimed by the humans and restored to its past glory. To them, anyone who doesn't wear the Scarlet Tabard is tainted with the Scourges touch. They torture and kill anyone who does not side with them.

[edit] Scourge, The

The Scourge is an army of undead controlled by the Lich King, formerly Ner'zhul. Kil'Jaedan tortured Ner'zhul for his incompetence after capturing him in his escape into the Twisting Nether. He offered Ner'zhul a final chance to serve him, which he accepted. After tearing out Ner'zhul's soul and imprisoning it in a block of diamond-hard ice, Kil'Jaeden cast him into Northrend to begin creating the Scourge.

During the Third War, the Scourge wiped out most of Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas. Their armies consist of necromancers, death knights, artificially created monsters, gargoyles, and assorted undead. Leaders: Arthas Menethil,the Lich King.

[edit] Searing Blade Clan

The Searing Blade Clan is unique in that it formed after the founding of Durotar. The Searing Blade is merely another branch of the Shadow Council attempting to usurp Thrall's new Horde. The Searing Blade has taken up residence in Ragefire Chasm, a network of caverns beneath the Horde's capital city, Orgrimmar.

[edit] Shadow Council

The Shadow Council, led by the warlock Gul'Dan, was a mysterious group of powerful Orcish warlocks which first opened the Dark Portal and manipulated Orcish politics through their figurehead, the Warchief Blackhand the Destroyer. After the end of the First War, they were nearly destroyed following Blackhand's assassination by Orgrim Doomhammer, who learned of their threat to his newfound power. Gul'Dan and his pupil, Cho'Gall the Ogre Mage, were among the few survivors, eventually forming the Stormreaver and Twilight's Hammer Clans.

[edit] Shadow Moon Clan

The Shadow Moon clan ruled over the scattered clans of Draenor and was the clan which made the decisions for the Horde. Clan members were spellcasters, such as necromancers. The leader, Ner'zhul, was the one to strike the blood pact of the orcs. He eventually realized that the demons would destroy the orcs and turned away from them. His work was later finished by his apprentice Gul'dan. Leader: Ner'zhul.

[edit] Shattered Hand Clan

The Shattered Hand Clan was named for the practice of self-mutilation that every grunt in the clan performs. This clan was depicted as savage and murderous Grunts in Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal. Leader: Korgath Bladefist.

[edit] Shen'dralar

The Shen'dralar are the last of the highborn. They once ruled Eldre'thalas (now Dire Maul). They hold the magical items of Queen Azshara. They are ruled by Theclassian

[edit] Silver Hand, Knights of the

An order of Paladins founded by Lord Uther The Lightbringer in Lordaeron, large parts of the order was either killed or joined Arthas when he betrayed and murdered his father. Arthas himself was once a member of this order, but defected from it and murdered his mentor Uther. Afterwards, the Knights of the Silver Hand were apparently disbanded. Leaders: Uther the Lightbringer (deceased)

[edit] Steamwheedle Cartel

The Steamwheedle Cartel is the largest of the goblin cartels operating in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, and includes the cities of Booty Bay, Gadgetzan, Ratchet and Everlook.

The Steamwheedle Cartel is at war with the Venture Co., the Southsea buccaneers, the Wastewander nomads and the Bloodsail Buccaneers.

[edit] Stormpike Guard

The Stormpikes are a wealthy and influential clan of dwarves in Ironforge. Recently, the Stormpikes have discovered dwarven ruins in Alterac Valley. Eager to learn more about their history, they intruded upon the valley, provoking violence from the shamanistic Frostwolf orcs.

Leaders: General Vanndar Stormpike

[edit] Stormreaver Clan

The Stormreaver Clan was organized by Gul'dan who sought protection from Orgrim Doomhammer after learning that Doomhammer had no fondness for him. It served as his elite bodyguard in Azeroth and when he attempted to open the Tomb of Sargeras. Along with its leader, it was almost completely destroyed, both by the crazed demons within the Tomb and the vengeful forces of Doomhammer's Blackrock Clan, who saw Gul'Dan and his followers as traitors. This clan was comprised mainly of Orcish warlocks, Death Knights and spellcasters. Leader: Gul'dan.

[edit] Stormwind Intelligence Agency (SI:7)

The Stormwind Intelligence Agency, based in the Barracks in Stormwind's Old Town district, is a collection of rogues responsible for providing intelligence on matters of Stormwind security. Their current leader is Mathius Shaw. The Agency employs a number of races, including humans, gnomes, dwarves, and goblins, and also has ties with the rogue guild, Ravenholdt. The Agency's main area of focus is tracking the movements of the Defias Brotherhood and the Scourge.

[edit] Stromgarde

A small but strong military nation, once the heart of the ancient Human Empire of Arathor, most of its citizens left with Jaina Proudmoore. Now members of the Syndicate and Ogres have seized parts of the capital city, situated in the Arathi Highlands foothills. Past rulers: Thoras Trollbane,Galen Trollbane.

[edit] Syndicate

A powerful thieves guild led by the mysterious Shadow Council. The Syndicate has taken over many parts of the Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands and the Hillsbrad Foothills. They now inhabit Durnholde Keep, Northfold Manor, Strahnbrad and a large portion of the war-torn city of Stromgarde.

The syndicate has several leaders, and when one leader dies, often another rises to take his place. The current leaders of this guild are: Lord Falconcrest, Syndicate Master Ryson and Baron Vardus (the latter also being a member of the Shadow Council).

[edit] Bloodhoof Tribe, The

Main article: Tauren

After defeating the Centaur with the help of the Orcs, Cairne Bloodhoof united the Tauren tribes under the banner of the Bloodhoof tribe. The city of Thunder Bluff was constructed on the plateaus of Mulgore to serve as the Tauren's new capital. Leaders: Cairne Bloodhoof

[edit] Thorium Brotherhood

A group of Dark Iron Dwarves who escaped the slavery of Ragnaros. They can now be found at Thorium Point in Searing Gorge, peddling the rare recipes they stole from the Depths of Blackrock Mountain. see Thorium Brotherhood at WoWWiki, a World of Warcraft wiki

[edit] Thunderlord Clan

Not much is known of the Thunderlord clan except that Orgrim Doomhammer is said to have risen in the ranks before murdering Blackhand and ascending to the position as Warchief. Leaders: Fenris the Hunter.

[edit] Timbermaw Furbolgs

The Timbermaw Furbolgs are a tribe of furblogs that have taken up residence in the forests of Azshara, Felwood, Moonglade, and Winterspring. Their primary home, Timbermaw Hold, is the primary land passage between Felwood, Moonglade, and Winterspring.

They are the only known Furbolg clan that has not yet fallen to the corruption of Felwood. Nonetheless, they are still initially hostile to other humanoid races because of past betrayals. Players may seek alliance with them by attacking corrupted Furblog tribes in Winterspring and Felwood.

[edit] Twilight's Hammer Clan

The Twilight's Hammer Clan was obsessed with the notion that they are the harbingers of apocalyptic doom and are not as loyal as other clans to the Horde. Once allied with Gul'Dan's Stormreaverclan, this clan mostly comprised Ogres and Ogre-Magi. It was mostly destroyed at the Tomb of Sargeras, though some remnants survive to this day, in the form of a spanning cult that worships the Old Gods and their Elemental servants.

In World of Warcraft, the Twilight's Hammer has expanded into an all-racial group of power-hungry cultists, employing not only the races of the Alliance and Horde, but also races such as the Naga and Satyr. They have a great interest in the revival of the Old Gods of Azeroth. Leaders: Cho'gall

[edit] Venture Co.

The Venture Trading Company is a Hostile faction that operates in the Mulgore and Stonetalon Mountains regions of Kalimdor, as well as Stranglethorn Vale in the eastern kingdoms. Largely run and managed by Goblins, it employs a few Gnomes in high engineering positions. It provides employment to all of the sentient races of Azeroth as laborers, even (possibly especially) the less intelligent ones such as Ogres and Gnolls. The Company operates a mine in eastern Mulgore and harasses the sacred wells of the Tauren in that region. Members of the Horde can obtain related quests in and around Bloodhoof Village. They also have numerous camps in the Stonetalon Mountains and are said to be in league with the Defias Brotherhood and the Bloodsail Buccaneers.

[edit] Warsong Clan

One of the strongest and most violent clans, the Warsong Clan was one of the most distinguished clans on Draenor and were able to evade Alliance expedition forces at every turn. They were the first clan to succumb to demon worship, and the ones to convince other clans to commit to the blood pact. Depicted as Grunts in Warcraft II (the Second War), they mastered the use of swords and blades and became Blademasters in Warcraft III. The clan is so named due to the high-pitched battle cries ("warsongs") of its leader Grom Hellscream during the Second and Third War. Hellscream and the Warsong also helped the young warchief Thrall to free the orcs from the internment camps and reforge it as the New Horde. When besieged by the Night Elves, they were once again corrupted by Mannoroth and in their fury they struck down the Night Elves' demigod Cenarius. In a feat of heroics, Hellscream later sacrificed himself to kill the Pitlord, forever redeeming his clan and saving the Orcish race. Leaders: Grom Hellscream (deceased)

[edit] Wildhammer Clan

Main article: Wildhammer Clan

The Wildhammers are a clan of dwarves who are currently situated in Aerie Peak, Hinterlands. They raise gryphons and maintain a Gryphon Aviary in their capital. Like the Alliance, they treat Horde as enemies. However, they are neutral to the citizens of the Alliance and are not part of the Alliance. It is possible for Alliance players to gain faction points with the Wildhammer Clan.

[edit] Wintersaber Trainers

Wintersaber Trainers are an Alliance-allied Night Elf faction located in Winterspring whose main mission is to train Wintersabers, one of the most feral saber among all. Alliance players who are exalted with Wintersaber Trainers may purchase and ride their Wintersabers as epic mounts.

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