Organization of Tank Company inside of Tank Regiment(WW2)
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In the Japanese Army Armored forces, One Tank Company was organized in as follows, taking for example the 3rd Tank Company inside of 1st Tank Regiment during the British Malaya Campaign:
- Company HQ-led by 1st Lieutenant Yamane(1 Medium Tank and 2 light Tanks)
- 1st Tank Platoon-(3 Medium Tanks numbered 11,12,13)
- 2nd Tank Platoon-(3 Medium Tanks numbered 21,22,23)
- 3rd Tank Platoon-(3 Medium Tanks numbered 31,32,33)
[edit] Army Armored Insignia
Each tank wore a platoon identification number on both sides of its body. Chinese characters observable on the turret sides correspond to Chikushino city, near Kurume, Kyūshū, as well as some other symbols or badges (Chrysanthemum, Cherry flowers, Thunder, Hinomaru flags,etc). In the particular case of the 3rd Tank Company, such letters represented the unit's place of origin. It was accompanied by the Chinese character "Chi," which means light tank company.
The tank company command group was signed with characters representing the initials of Commander names adjoined with the identification number.these signs painted on armors are mainly unit insignia and personal insignia.sign of the nation (national or battle flag or in certain case proper national bagde)or the army signs were also painted in such armors.The personal insignia was also putting in armors and they were mostly Japanese words expressing loyalty,courage or place names of Japan.
In some cases, a special sign was used to designate the place where a particular weapons was manufactured in factories with public donations or state funds. This publically demonstrated the use of national resources in the development of equipment of local armed forces.same sign paint rules was applied also at other vehicles in certain cases,but for generally if more most frequent in Tanks.
If caracteristic from Japanese Army Tanks and other armored vehicles,why if putting in front one metalic golden star,was represent the yellow star,as Army symbol.
[edit] Navy Armored Insignia
Japanese Navy SNLF Armored forces (land and aquatic armored vehicles) were more usually marked with a white anchor sign alongside the vehicle identification number and Kyokujitsu-ki Naval ensign on both sides of armored vehicles. On regular tanks, the anchor sign was painted on both sides of the turret, identification number in both sides of body tank and naval ensign was placed on at both sides and front of vehicle. On he other hand, on Aquatic armor such signs were painted on both sides of the armor.