Order of Taraka

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The Order of Taraka is a league of very effective assassins on the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer who were created sometime during or before the reign of King Solomon. Only three members appear on the show but they are an inexhaustible in number and intensity. ""They have no earthly desires except to collect their bounty. to find their target and eliminate it""- (Giles in What's my Line I Also, according to Giles, "You can kill as many as you like. It won't make any difference- because where there is one, there will be another. And another. They won't stop coming until the job is done... The worst of it is, they are masters of deceit. Vampires are bound by the night, but these predators can be anywhere, any time. They can appear as normal as the next person. Just another face in the crowd. You might not ever know when one of them is near - not until the moment of your death..."

The members sent after Buffy use disguises such as a police woman, a grungy biker persona, and a door to door cosmetics salesman. Members of the order are identified by the ring they wear on the middle finger of their right hand, although not all members wear the ring at all times.

The police woman and the biker are both human, and the cosmetics salesman is a creature made entirely of bugs.

Quotes on The Order:
Dalton (a minion): But... The Order of Taraka. I mean, don't you think that's overkill?
Spike: No. I think it's just enough kill.

[edit] See also

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