Homosexuality: Opposing Viewpoints (1999)

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This article is about the second edition of Homosexuality: Opposing Viewpoints; for the first edition see Homosexuality: Opposing Viewpoints (1993); for the third edition see Homosexuality: Opposing Viewpoints (2003); for the fourth edition see Homosexuality: Opposing Viewpoints (2006).

Homosexuality: Opposing Viewpoints is a book, in the Opposing Viewpoints series, presenting selections of contrasting points of view on four central questions about homosexuality: what causes it; whether homosexuals face serious discrimination; whether society should encourage increased acceptance of it; and whether society should sanction Gay and Lesbian families. It was edited by Mary E. Williams.

It was published by Greenhaven Press (San Diego) in 1999 as a 218-page hardcover (ISBN 0-7377-0053-X) and paperback (ISBN 0-7377-0052-1).

[edit] Contents

Chapter Viewpoint Author Notes
Why Consider Opposing Viewpoints?
Chapter 1: What Causes Homosexuality? 1. Homosexuality Is Biologically Determined Steve Kangas Reprint of "Gay Politics, Gay Science," web article dated November 7, 1997.
2. A Biological Basis for Homosexuality Has Not Been Proven Steve Calverley and Rob Goetze Reprint of "Are People 'Born Gay'? A Look at the Most Cited Biological Research Studies," web article from New Direction for Life Ministries, September 22, 1998.
3. The Causes of Homosexuality Are Probably Genetic Richard Pillard Excerpt from "The Genetic Theory of Sexual Orientation," The Harvard Gay and Lesbian Review, Winter 1997.
4. The Causes of Homosexuality Are Probably Environmental Part I: Illinois Family Institute, Part II: Cal Thomas Part I: Excerpt from "Summary Statement on Homosexuality," 1997. Part II: Reprint of "Gay Conversion: A Reality Psychologists Ignore," Christian American, January/February 1998.
5. A Variety of Factors May Cause Homosexuality Charles Lopresto Reprint of "Lopresto's guest column" on The Gay Gene website edited by Chandler Burr.
6. The Causes of Homosexuality Are Irrelevant Erin Blades Reprint of "The Gay Gene: What Does It Matter?," The Peak, February 1996.
7. The Causes of Homosexuality Are Not Irrelevant Simon LeVay Reprint of "The Queer Gene Unleashed," The Mail and Guardian, December 17, 1996.
Chapter 2: Do Homosexuals Face Serious Discrimination? 1. Homosexuals Are an Oppressed Minority Brian R. Allen Excerpt from "Do Homosexuals Constitute a Legitimate Minority?," web article, 1996.
2. Homosexuals Are Not an Oppressed Minority Elizabeth Wright Excerpt from "In the Name of 'Civil Rights'," Issues and Views, Spring 1996.
3. Homosexuals Need Antidiscrimination Laws American Civil Liberties Union Reprint of the ACLU's testimony on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act — H.R. 1863 before the Subcommittee on Government Programs, Committee on Small Business, U.S. House of Representatives, July 17, 1996.
4. Homosexuals Do Not Need Antidiscrimination Laws Concerned Women for America Excerpt from "Big Bad Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: The Employment Non-Discrimination Act," November 1997 policy paper.
5. Homophobia Increases the Suicide Risk for Gay Teens Frances Snowder Reprint of "Preventing Gay Teen Suicide," in Open Lives, Safe Schools, edited by Donovan R. Walling (Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, 1996, ISBN 0-87367-485-5).
6. The Problem of Gay Teen Suicide Has Been Exaggerated Philip Jenkins Excerpt from "One in Ten: A Gay Mythology," Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture, October 1996.
7. The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy Is a Failure Andrew Sullivan Reprint of "Undone by 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'," The New York Times, April 9, 1998.
8. The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy Could Be Beneficial Lars-Erik Nelson Reprint of "Straights, Gays, False Charges," Liberal Opinion Week, March 25, 1996.
Chapter 3: Should Society Encourage Increased Acceptance of Homosexuality? 1. Society Should Encourage Increased Acceptance of Homosexuality Rayford Kytle Adapted from Kytle's speech to employees of the U.S. Public Health Service, December 1993.
2. Society Should Not Encourage Increased Acceptance of Homosexuality The Ramsey Colloquium Excerpt from "Morality and Homosexuality," First Things, March 1994.
3. Christians Should Accept Homosexuality Alice Ogden Bellis Reprint of "When God Makes a Way," The Other Side, March/April 28, 1995.
4. Christians Should Not Accept Homosexuality D. James Kennedy Reprint of "Leading Voices Under Attack," Moody, March 1996.
5. Schools Should Stress Acceptance of Homosexuality Shelly Reese Reprint of "The Law and Gay Bashing in School," High Strides, 20 May 1997.
6. Schools Should Not Stress Acceptance of Homosexuality Ed Vitagliano Abridged from "Pro-Homosexual Video Targets Public Schools," AFA Journal, June 1997.
7. Therapists Should "Help" People Overcome Unwanted Homosexuality National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality Reprint of "New Study Confirms Homosexuality Can Be Overcome," NARTH Bulletin, August 1997.
8. Therapists Should Not Try to Change Anyone's Sexual Orientation American Psychological Association Reprint of "Answers to Your Questions About Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality," July 1998.
Chapter 4: Should Society Sanction Gay and Lesbian Families? 1. Society Should Allow Same-Sex Marriage Ralph Wedgwood Reprint of "What Are We Fighting For?," The Harvard Gay and Lesbian Review, Fall 1997.
2. Society Should Not Allow Same-Sex Marriage Burman Skrable Excerpt from "Homosexual Marriage: Much to Fear," Culture Wars, October 1996.
3. The Roman Catholic Church Should Sanction Gay Marriage Andrew Sullivan Reprint of "What You Do," The New Republic March 18, 1996.
4. The Roman Catholic Church Cannot Sanction Gay Marriage Joseph Charron and William Skylstad Reprint of "Statement on Same Sex-Unions," Origins, August 1, 1996.
5. Homosexual Parenting Is Harmful to Children Robert H. Knight and Daniel S. Garcia Reprint of "Homosexual Parenting: Bad for Children, Bad for Society," Family Research Council Insight, May 1994.
6. Homosexual Parenting Is Not Harmful to Children Gary Sanders Reprint of "Normal Familiess: Research on Gay and Lesbian Parenting," In The Family, Nov/Dec 1997.
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