Omukama of Bunyoro
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Omukama of Bunyoro is the name given to rulers of the central African kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara. The kingdom lasted as an independent state from the 16th to the 19th century. Although no longer the ruler of a state, the Omukama of Bunyoro remains an important figure in Ugandan politics, especially among the Banyoro people of whom he is the titular head.
[edit] List of Bunyoro Omukamas
- Rukidi of Bunyoro - late fifteenth century
- Ocaki of Bunyoro - late fifteenth/early sixteenth century
- Oyo Nyiba of Bunyoro - early sixteenth century
- Winyi I of Bunyoro - early sixteenth century
- Olimi I of Bunyoro- mid sixteenth century
- Nyabongo of Bunyoro - mid sixteenth century
- Winyi II of Bunyoro - late sixteenth century/early seventeenth century
- Olimi II of Bunyoro - mid seventeenth century
- Nyarwa of Bunyoro - mid seventeenth century
- Cwamali of Bunyoro - mid seventeenth century
- Masamba of Bunyoro - late seventeenth century
- Kyebambe I of Bunyoro - late seventeenth century
- Winyi III of Bunyoro - early eighteenth century
- Nyaika of Bunyoro - early eighteenth century
- Kyebambe II of Bunyoro - early eighteenth century
- Olimi III of Bunyoro - c. 1710-1731
- Duhaga of Bunyoro - 1731- c. 1782
- Olimi IV of Bunyoro - c. 1782-1786
- Nyamutukura Kyebambe III of Bunyoro - 1786-1835
- Nyabongo II of Bunyoro - 1835-1848
- Olimi V of Bunyoro - 1848-1852
- Kyebambe IV of Bunyoro - 1852-1869
- Kaberga of Bunyoro - 1869-1898
- Kitahimbwa of Bunyoro - 1898-1902
- Duhaga II of Bunyoro - 1902-1924
- Winyi IV of Bunyoro - 1925-1967
- From 1967 until 1994 the monarchy was discontinued by the Ugandan government
- Iguru I of Bunyoro - 1994-present