Old boy network

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In the United Kingdom, an old boy network or society can refer to social and business associations among former pupils of top male-only public schools (independent secondary schools) and, to a lesser degree, to university students (notably Oxbridge), and indirectly to preservation of social elites over time without regard to merit.

However, literal 'Old Boy Networks' may not necessarily have the same connotations. Many male-only Schools, both public- and state- run, have 'Old Boy Societies', with a sole aim to maintain an Old Boy's association with their school. This form of Old Boy Network is similar to an Alumni association.

[edit] Other terms

  • The expression 'old school tie' has essentially the same meaning as the business association interpretation of 'Old Boy Network'. This expression derives from the existence of literal school ties indicating that the wearer is an 'old boy' of a particular school. This expression is sometimes used in Australia (where there is a system of grammar schools which base themselves on British public schools and have a similar association with the upper class).
  • 'Jobs for the boys' also has a similar meaning, obviously referring specifically to employment, and with less of a specific association of upper-class origin.
  • An 'Old Girl Network' is essentially the same sort of organisation, official or unofficial, for Girl Schools

[edit] See also

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