Old World monkey

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iOld World monkeys

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Suborder: Haplorrhini
Parvorder: Catarrhini
Superfamily: Cercopithecoidea
Gray, 1821
Family: Cercopithecidae
Gray, 1821

Cercopithecinae - 11 genera
Colobinae - 10 genera

The Old World monkeys or Cercopithecidae are a group of primates, falling in the superfamily Cercopithecoidea in the clade Catarrhini. From the point of view of superficial appearance, they are unlike apes in that most have tails (the family name means "tailed ape"), and unlike the New World monkeys in that their tails are never prehensile. Technically, the distinction of catarrhines from platyrrhines depends on the structure of the nose, and the distinction of Old World monkeys from apes depends on dentition.

Several Old World monkeys have anatomical oddities. The colobus monkeys have a stub for a thumb; the Proboscis Monkey has an extraordinary nose while the snub-nosed monkeys have almost no nose at all; the penis of the male Mandrill is colored red and the scrotum has a lilac color, while the face also has bright coloration like the genitalia and this develops in only the dominant male of a multi-male group.

The Old World monkeys are native to Africa and Asia today, but are also known from Europe in the fossil record. They include many of the most familiar species of non-human primates.

[edit] Classification

Two subfamilies are recognised, the Cercopithecinae, which are mainly African but include the diverse genus of macaques which are Asian and North African, and the Colobinae, which includes most of the Asian genera but also the African colobus monkeys.

  • Superfamily Cercopithecoidea
    • Family Cercopithecidae: Old World monkeys
      • Subfamily Cercopithecinae
      • Subfamily Colobinae
        • African group
          • Genus Colobus
          • Genus Piliocolobus
            • Western Red Colobus, Piliocolobus badius
              • Bay Red Colobus, Piliocolobus badius badius
              • Temminck's Red Colobus, Piliocolobus badius temminckii
              • Miss Waldrone's Red Colobus, Piliocolobus badius waldronae
            • Pennant's Colobus, Piliocolobus pennantii
              • Bioko Red Colobus, Piliocolobus pennantii pennantii
              • Niger Delta Red Colobus, Piliocolobus pennantii epieni
              • Bouvier's Red Colobus, Piliocolobus pennantii bouvieri
            • Preuss's Red Colobus, Piliocolobus preussi
            • Thollon's Red Colobus, Piliocolobus tholloni
            • Central African Red Colobus, Piliocolobus foai
              • Foa Red Colobus, Piliocolobus foai foai
              • Elliot's Red Colobus, Piliocolobus foai ellioti
              • Piliocolobus foai oustaleti
              • Piliocolobus foai semlikiensis
              • Lomami Red Colobus, Piliocolobus foai parmentierorum
            • Ugandan Red Colobus, Piliocolobus tephrosceles
            • Uzyngwa Red Colobus, Piliocolobus gordonorum
            • Zanzibar Red Colobus, Piliocolobus kirkii
            • Tana River Red Colobus, Piliocolobus rufomitratus
          • Genus Procolobus
            • Olive Colobus, Procolobus verus
        • Langur (leaf monkey) group
          • Genus Semnopithecus
            • Nepal Gray Langur, Semnopithecus schistaceus
            • Kashmir Gray Langur, Semnopithecus ajax
            • Tarai Gray Langur, Semnopithecus hector
            • Northern Plains Gray Langur, Semnopithecus entellus
            • Black-footed Gray Langur, Semnopithecus hypoleucos
            • Southern Plains Gray Langur, Semnopithecus dussumieri
            • Tufted Gray Langur, Semnopithecus priam
          • Genus Trachypithecus
            • T. vetulus group
            • T. cristatus group
              • Javan Lutung, Trachypithecus auratus
              • Silvery Lutung or Silvered Leaf Monkey, Trachypithecus cristatus
              • Indochinese Lutung, Trachypithecus germaini
              • Tenasserim Lutung, Trachypithecus barbei
            • T. obscurus group
              • Dusky Leaf Monkey or Spectacled Leaf Monkey, Trachypithecus obscurus
              • Phayre's Leaf Monkey, Trachypithecus phayrei
            • T. pileatus group
              • Capped Langur, Trachypithecus pileatus
              • Shortridge's Langur, Trachypithecus shortridgei
              • Gee's Golden Langur, Trachypithecus geei
            • T. francoisi group
              • Francois' Langur, Trachypithecus francoisi
              • Hatinh Langur, Trachypithecus hatinhensis
              • White-headed Langur, Trachypithecus poliocephalus
              • Laotian Langur, Trachypithecus laotum
              • Delacour's Langur, Trachypithecus delacouri
              • Indochinese Black Langur, Trachypithecus ebenus
          • Genus Presbytis
            • Sumatran Surili, Presbytis melalophos
            • Banded Surili, Presbytis femoralis
            • Sarawak Surili, Presbytis chrysomelas
            • White-thighed Surili, Presbytis siamensis
            • White-fronted Surili, Presbytis frontata
            • Javan Surili, Presbytis comata
            • Thomas's Langur, Presbytis thomasi
            • Hose's Langur, Presbytis hosei
            • Maroon Leaf Monkey, Presbytis rubicunda
            • Mentawai Langur or Joja, Presbytis potenziani
            • Natuna Island Surili, Presbytis natunae
        • Odd-Nosed group
          • Genus Pygathrix
            • Red-shanked Douc, Pygathrix nemaeus
            • Black-shanked Douc, Pygathrix nigripes
            • Gray-shanked Douc, Pygathrix cinerea
          • Genus Rhinopithecus
            • Golden Snub-nosed Monkey, Rhinopithecus roxellana
            • Black Snub-nosed Monkey, Rhinopithecus bieti
            • Gray Snub-nosed Monkey, Rhinopithecus brelichi
            • Tonkin Snub-nosed Langur, Rhinopithecus avunculus
          • Genus Nasalis
          • Genus Simias

[edit] See also

[edit] References

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