Old Faith

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In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, the Old Faith is the chief druidic order in the Flanaess. Though strongly associated with the faiths of Beory and Obad-Hai, the Old Faith also encompasses other deities, principally those concerned with natural phenomema.


[edit] History

The Old Faith emerged from the ancient nature cults of the Flan people.

[edit] Clergy and temples

Both druids and clerics of associated deities make up the priests of the Old Faith. Common symbols are oak leaves, holly leaves, and mistletoe.

Old Faith communities are found throughout the Flanaess.

[edit] Geographical domains

The Old Faith has divided the Flanaess into nine separate regions, each under the dominion of a Great Druid. These regions are known colloquially as the Baklunish West, the Bitter North ("Old Blackmoor"), the Western Nyr Dyv ("Old Ferrond"), the Sheldomar Valley ("Old Keoland"), the Empire of luz ("Northern Reaches"), the Thillonrian Peninsula ("Barbarian North"), the Old Aerdy West ("Old Nyrond"), the Old Aerdy East (former Great Kingdom), and the Isolated Realms.

[edit] Hierarchy

The Old Faith's lowest-ranked clergy are known as Aspirants, who seek admission to the order. Next are the Ovates, who read augeries and perform minor administrative tasks. Next are the Initiates of the First Circle, followed by higher ranking Initiates of the Second through Ninth Circles. Above these ranks are those who have the right to the title of Druid. There are only nine Druids to each region. Above the nine Druids are three Archdruids, who anser to the Great Druid of their region. Admission to the ranks of Druid, Archdruid, and Great Druid is only granted via trial by combat. It is said that above the Great Druids stands a single Grand Druid, whose dominion includes the entire Oerth. Former Grand Druids are said to make up an inner circle of ascended mystics known as the Heirophants of the Cabal, though their existence is not remarked on outside the Old Faith hierarchy.

[edit] References

  • Holian, Gary. "Silent Sorcery: The Silent Ones of Keoland." Living Greyhawk Journal #4 (Paizo Publishing, 2001).
  • Mona, Erik. Age of Worms Overload (Paizo Publishing, 2005). Available online: [1]
  • Mona, Erik. "Backdrop: Diamond Lake." Dungeon #124 (Paizo Publishing, 2005).
  • Mona, Erik, and Gary Holian. "Wheels within Wheels: Greyhawk's Circle of Eight." Living Greyhawk Journal #0 (Paizo Publishing, 2000). Available online: [2]
  • Reynolds, Sean K, Frederick Weining, and Erik Mona. "Blood of Heroes." Living Greyhawk Journal #3 (Paizo Publishing, 2001).