
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Octan is a popular popular chain of fueling stations in Legoland. It name is the French word for octane, the chemical compound that gives gasoline its potency as a fuel. Though the labels on the pumps are too small to be read by humans, it is speculated that Octan stations sell Shell brand gasoline, as Shell stations in Legoland were phased out when Octan stations began being built.

It also happens to be my username. ;^)

Incidentally, "Octan," or some variant thereof, is my username in many places on the Web, including two other wikis, the WikiFur and the Homestar Runner Wiki. I have so far contributed to all three. I probably won't be doing much here; I spend far more time on the other two.

I'd say more, given that I basically have free-reign over what goes on this page, but I'd rather not. Nobody cares anyway. ;^)

Oh, by the way, all that stuff in the first paragraph is true. In case anyone wants to snag it for a real article.