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New York City HOLD (Honest Open Logical Decisions on Mathematics Education Reform) is an American national education advocacy organization, founded in January 2000 by a group of Manhattan parents and NYU mathematicians. The organization was first established in order to support parent, teacher and mathematician objections to mathematics curricula based on NCTM Standards in New York City schools. The organization has grown over the years into "a nonpartisan national advocacy organization that provides parents, educators, mathematicians and other concerned citizens information, resources and networking opportunities to support systemic improvements in the quality of mathematics education in our nation's schools".[1] Their mission is to support K-12 mathematics programs that give (1) all students opportunity to acquire the essential knowledge and skills in school mathematics (2) all students adequate preparation for the broadest options in high school math and science courses and for opportunity to advance into mathematics based college courses and careers".[1]
The NYC HOLD website is a comprehensive, up to date national archive of information, research and opinion that supports the organization's call for a national redirection of the current "constructivist" trend in school mathematics education reforms and insitution of state standards, K-12 programs and teacher training that provide all American students access to world class K-12 mathemematics instruction. The archive includes critical analysis of NCTM Standards-based programs, standards, assessments, and teacher training as well as ainformation analysis and reports on what is essentail to high quality K-12 mathematics programs and standards with examples in the US and abroad
The Web site sponsors special news, opinion and testimony pages related to grasssroots advocacy efforts to improve US school mathematics education across the country.
[edit] References
Standards based mathematics controversy |
Constructivist Mathematics: NCTM Standards • Integrated mathematics • Core-Plus Mathematics Project • Focus on Algebra • Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space • Connected Mathematics • Everyday Mathematics • Mathland • Interactive Mathematics Program (IMP) • WASL Rigorous Traditional Mathematics: Traditional mathematics • Mathematically Correct • David Klein • NYC HOLD • Saxon math • Singapore Math • Modern Curriculum Press • |