Nuclear power in Sweden

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Sweden's energy policy focused on hydroelectricity, which was supplemented by nuclear power starting in 1965. Sweden has 10 operational power-producing nuclear reactors (see List of nuclear reactors). Sweden's largest powerplant, Ringhals with 4 reactors, delivers approximately 24 TWh a year, the equivalent of 21% of Swedish electricity consumption.[1]


[edit] The advisory referendum on nuclear power (1980)

After the partial meltdown at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station (United States) in 1979, a vigorous debate over the future of nuclear power developed in Sweden. As a consequence, an advisory referendum was held in Sweden on March 23, 1980 (see Referendums in Sweden). Swedish voters were given three choices:

  • The ballot for "Linje 1" read:
"Nuclear power shall be phased out, while taking consideration of the need for electric power for the maintenance of employment and welfare. In order to, among other things, lessen the dependency on oil, and while waiting for the availability of renewable energy sources, at most 12 of the reactors shall be used, be they exisiting or under construction. No further expansion is to take place. The order in which the reactors will be taken out of production will be determined by security concerns."
There was no text on the reverse side of the ballot.
  • The front side of the ballot for "Linje 2" had almost identical wording to that of "Linje 1". However, on the reverse side, the following text was added:
"Energy conservation shall be pursued vigorously and stimulated further. The weakest groups in society shall be protected. Measures shall be taken to control consumption of electricity, e.g. prohibiting direct electric heating in the construction of new permanent housing.
Research and development of renewable energy sources shall be pursued under the leadership of the community (read: "the government").
Environmental and safety improving measures are to be carried out. A special safety study is to be made at each reactor. To allow insight by the citizens a special security committee with local ties is appointed at each nuclear power plant.
Production of electricity from oil and coal is to be avoided.
The community (read: "the government") shall have the main responsibility for production and distribution of electric power. Nuclear power plants and other future installations for the production of significant electric power shall be owned by the state and by the municipalities. Excessive profits from hydroelectric power generation are reduced by taxation."
The last point was controversial and the most important reason why the Moderate Unity Party couldn't consider supporting "Linje 2".
  • The front side of the ballot for "Linje 3" read:
"NO to continued expansion of nuclear power.
Phasing out of the currently operating six reactors with at most ten years. A conservation plan for reduced dependency on oil is to be carried through on the basis of:
    • continued and intensified energy conservation
    • greatly increased development of renewable energy sources.
The operating reactors are subjected to heightened safety requirements. Non-fueled reactors will never be put into production.
Uranium mining is to be prohibited in our country."
The reverse side of the ballot read:
"If ongoing or future safety analyses demand it, immediate shutdown is to take place.
The work against nuclear proliferation and nuclear weapons shall be intensified. No fuel enrichment is permitted and the export of reactors and reactor technology is to cease.
Employment will increase through alternative energy production, more effective conservation of energy and refinement of raw materials."

The results of the referendum were: 18.9% in support of alternative 1, 39.1% for alternative 2, and 38.7% for alternative 3[2]. Following the referendum the Swedish parliament decided that no further nuclear power plants should be built, and that a nuclear power phase-out should be completed by 2010. Some observers have condemned the referendum as flawed because people could only vote on three different ways of saying "NO to nuclear power": no "YES to nuclear power" alternative was available.

[edit] "Fallout" from the Chernobyl accident (1986)

After the 1986 Chernobyl accident in Ukraine, the question of security of nuclear energy was again called into question. In 1987 the Riksdag, the Swedish parliament, decided to shut down one of the reactors at Barsebäck by July 1, 1998 and the second before July 1, 2001, although under the condition that their energy production would be compensated. The next conservative government tried to cancel the phase-out, but, after protests, did not cancel it but instead decided to extend the time limit to 2010. At Barsebäck, block 1 was shut down on November 30, 1999 and block 2 on June 1, 2005.

[edit] Current opinion

The nuclear energy phase-out is controversial in Sweden. It is feared that Sweden will lose its international competititiveness. The energy production of the remaining nuclear power plants has been considerably increased in recent years to compensate for the turn off of Barsebäck. In 1998, the government decided to build no further hydropower plants in order to protect national water resources. In spite of extensive efforts to create alternatives to nuclear power, such as fossil fuels, it is not likely that Sweden can complete the nuclear power phase-out by 2010. It has been estimated that nuclear power plants in operation will stay in operation until 2050.

In March 2005, an opinion poll with 1027 persons asked, showed 83% support for maintaining or increasing nuclear power.[3] Another poll in May that polled residents that lived around Barsebäck found that 94% wanted it to stay. In June, 2005, radioactive water was leaking from the nuclear waste store in Forsmark, Sweden. The content of radioactive caesium in sampled water was ten times the normal value. wikinews:Radioactive leakage at Swedish nuclear waste store. This has, however, not led to a major change in public opinion.[3]

[edit] See also

[edit] In the media

[edit] References

  1. ^ [1]
  2. ^ Statistisk Årsbok 1994
  3. ^ [2]

[edit] External links

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