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The Nubian Oracle believes that We Can Change Cincinnati NOW

Mission:CINCINNATI CHANGEencourages increased economic stability in Hamilton County along with the development of a third frontier creative class information highway infrastructure which will provide jobs through the acquisition and development of businesses, intellectual property and real estate properties through this lead developer which is to be called Queen City Development Group.

Purpose: CINCINNATI CHANGE will implement a licensed business process from Lloyd Daniels Development Group,Inc. and a patent license from MDDG LLC which will create citizens who are educated, employed and empowered by developing the following objectives:

Schools - To create a school infrastructure for the 50,000 disenfranchised school students with a focus on youth in Hamilton County needing this service by 2014 through an alliance with already established schools and public & private sector partners in greater Cincinnati.

Businesses - To create a community business development program with the SBA, private sector, non-profit organizations, and government agencies to support over 1,000 small and medium businesses which will employ students who go to and or graduate from our schools with 300 new companies created.

Homes - Cincinnati Change will create 20,000 homes in Greater Cincinnati with a focus on developing 12,000 homes for low and moderate-income households whose children will attend our schools along with homes for those who work, build and teach in them.

Jobs - Cincinnati Change will work with businesses, faith based organizations and non profit organizations along and the Superjobs Center to create over 9,000 jobs in tourism, education, health care, technology, hospitality, entertainment, real estate development and construction through partnerships with businesses and non-profit organizations as part of our focus on workforce development in the African American community which is based on creating an education and Creative Class Third Frontier infrastructure, which serves as primary job generator.

Background: CINCINNATI CHANGE understands the Tri-state is politically fragmented and segregated by race and class. Many poor Cincinnati residents have a high degree of desperation and hopelessness along with the belief that things cannot change. Cincinnati Change was created to “change this perception” by taking action to change Cincinnati NOW on June 19th, 2000 and took its first action at the 2000 Black Family Reunion.

In 2001, the founders of Cincinnati Change submitted a request to the Cincinnati Empowerment Corporation (CEC) that they set out procedures to issue $100M of revenue bonds. The request was updated in 2002 and again in 2003. In 2004, the CEC set the procedures to issue the bonds through the Cincinnati Hamilton County Port Authority.

In 2005, Cincinnati Change assembled a team to meet its organizational objectives through creation of a mutual fund to fund its mission to Change Cincinnati NOW. On June 19th, 2005 Cincinnati Change received its charter from the State of Ohio and stands ready to change Cincinnati NOW.

Cincinnati Change is creating a limited liability company called Queen City Development Group. This company will implement the Cincinnati Change vision as the lead developer.

Cincinnati Change will start operation Change Cincinnati NOW on October 29th at Peoples Corner in Walnut Hills as the sponsor of the 100 Male March of Mt. Auburn.

The Nubian Oracle of Cincinnati Change