NRX-0013 Gundam Virsago

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The NRX-0013 Gundam Virsago was one of the first new Gundam type mobile suits, built in the After War era of the anime series After War Gundam X.


[edit] NRX-0013 Gundam Virsago

It was based on Old Earth Federation's Gundam, GB-9700 Gundam Belphagor, and shares several features with its ancestor like the extendable claw arms and sonic weapon. The Virsago was equipped with an extremely powerful Megasonic Gun, which came second in terms of destructive power to the satellite cannon of the GX-9900 Gundam X. Unlike Gundams from 7th Space War era, Gundam Virsago doesn't have the Flash System to control Mobile Bit. It was also not compatible with the G-Falcon fighter, either. Virsago was piloted by one of the Frost brothers, Shagia Frost, and was often referred to as “Ghost Gundam” because of its rather spooky-looking appearance. Shagia’s Gundam was later upgraded to the NRX-0013-CB Gundam Virsago Chest Break.

[edit] NRX-0013-CB Gundam Virsago Chest Break

In the anime series Gundam X, the Gundam Virsago Chest Break is the upgraded version of the NRX-0013 Gundam Virsago. This upgrade was necessary, because new mobile suits were developed and also the GX-9901-DX Gundam Double X was stolen by the Freeden crew. The Gundam Virsago Chest Break featured new back wings for use with the satellite system collector, which were used in conjunction with his brother Olba's NRX-0015-HC Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab's Satellite Launcher. The Satellite Launcher has firepower equal to GX-9901-DX Gundam Double X's Twin Satellite Cannon. Gundam Virsago Chest Break also has three mega sonic scannon instead of just one, making it deadly as a solo unit as well. The upgraded Virsago was severely damaged in the last battle between the New Earth Federation and Space Revolutionary Army, and Shagia himself was crippled.

[edit] Specifications

[edit] NRX-0013 Gundam Virsago

Manufacturer: New Earth Federation
Operator: New Earth Federation
Unit type: mobile suit
Head height: 17.8 meters
Weight: empty 8.1 metric tons
Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor
Armament: megasonic gun, mounted in torso; beam saber, stored in recharge rack, hand-carried in use; 2 x strike claw, mounted on arms; 2 x claw beam cannon, mounted in forearms; 2 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x 2-barrel beam gun
Pilot: Shagia Frost

[edit] NRX-0013-CB Gundam Virsago Chest Break

Manufacturer: New Earth Federation
Operator: New Earth Federation
Unit type: mobile suit
Head height: 17.8 meters
Weight: empty 8.3 metric tons
Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor
Armament: 3-barrel megasonic gun, mounted in torso; beam saber, stored in recharge rack, hand-carried in use; 2 x strike claw, mounted on arms; 2 x claw beam cannon, mounted in forearms; 2 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head
Pilot: Shagia Frost

After War Era mobile weapons
GT-9600-D Gundam Leopard Destroy - GW-9800-B Gundam Airmaster Burst - GX-9900-DV Gundam X Divider
New United Nations Earth (New UNE):
GX-9901-DX Gundam Double X - NRMA-006 Gadeel - NRX-007 Correl - NRX-009 Valient - NRX-010 Gable - NRX-011 Britova - NRX-0013 Gundam Virsago - NRX-0013-CB Gundam Virsago Chest Break - NRX-0015 Gundam Ashtaron - NRX-0015-HC Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab - NRX-016 Rasveyt - NRX-018-2 Daughtress Neo
Old United Nations Earth (UNE):
DT-6600 Dautap - DT-6800A Daughtress - DTM-7000 Daughseat - DTM-7200 Daughseat III - FT-9600 GT-Bit - FW-9800 GW-Bit - FX-9900 GX-Bit - FX-9900-D G-Bit (D.O.M.E) - GB-9700 Gundam Belphagor - GT-9600 Gundam Leopard - GW-9800 Gundam Airmaster - GS-9900 G-Falcon - GX-9900 Gundam X
Space Revolutionary Army:
MA-06 Grandine - MAN-003 Patulia - RMS-006 Jenice - RMS-007G Juracg - RMS-009 Septem - RMS-012 Dicsem - RMS-014 Octape - RMS-019 Crouda - RMSN-002 Febral - RMSN-008 Bertigo
Estardo/Gastarl/Northernbell :
ENG-001 Estardoth - ENG-002 Pyron
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