Now Wait for Last Year

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Book cover from U.S. edition.
Book cover from U.S. edition.

Now Wait for Last Year is a 1966 science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick.

[edit] Plot

When his wife takes a strange new narcotic and then maliciously slips some into his drink, the main character finds himself slipping back and forth through time. Against the backdrop of an arbitrary war being waged between planets really for government control of the domestic population (a typically Dickian stand-in for the Cold War), the main character—while unable to control his place in time—tries to maintain the balance of power by keeping Earth's eccentric and ailing leader in good health, or at least the appearance of it. The plot element of Earth's odd leader—whose illusions allow life to go on, even as they betray the true nature of reality—is classic Dick; so is the disturbing relationship between the submissive main character and his destructive, manipulative wife.

Books by Philip K. Dick
Gather Yourselves Together | Voices From the Street | Vulcan's Hammer | Dr. Futurity | The Cosmic Puppets | Solar Lottery | Mary and the Giant | The World Jones Made | Eye in the Sky | The Man Who Japed | A Time for George Stavros | Pilgrim on the Hill | The Broken Bubble | Puttering About in a Small Land | Nicholas and the Higs | Time Out of Joint | In Milton Lumky Territory | Confessions of a Crap Artist | The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike | Humpty Dumpty in Oakland | The Man in the High Castle | We Can Build You | Martian Time-Slip | Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb | The Game-Players of Titan | The Simulacra | The Crack in Space | Now Wait for Last Year | Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? | Clans of the Alphane Moon | The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch | The Zap Gun | The Penultimate Truth | Deus Irae | The Unteleported Man | The Ganymede Takeover | Counter-Clock World | Nick and the Glimmung | Ubik | Galactic Pot-Healer | A Maze of Death | Our Friends from Frolix 8 | Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said | A Scanner Darkly | Radio Free Albemuth | VALIS | The Divine Invasion | The Transmigration of Timothy Archer