Talk:Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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o alguem meda o dicionario alrélio porfavo quem manda valeu te devo uma cara

Dear Stella, I tried to find out a good friend I met in Rio Sheraton long time ago. Her name is Stella Mafra or Maffra or Maffras ;-) Her Familiy owned a espedition and several other business.

If it is you, it would be a great pleasure to find you again.

If not, her family was well know. They are coming from the south, I remember that she had a flat in Curitiba. My excuses if I disturb you, if you are not my Stella. But if you might help me in any way, I am looking forward to get some advices from you. Anyway i allow myself to send a photo, maybe you will remember to our fair d'amour ;-) or in that case you are not Stella Mafra, but you know her; please be so kind and help me to find her. She should be now something around 40 -44 and probably married or divorced again. My contact adress is attached, with my best compliments and memories to Rio and to that love i found there and stupidly missed at that time.

In any case please accept my excuses for this unexpected demand.

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