Northern Wars

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Polish-Swedish Wars
Livonian – 1600–11 – 1620–22 – 1625–29 – The Deluge – Northern – Great Northern
King Charles X of Sweden
King Charles X of Sweden
This article is about the 17th century war. For 16th century war, see Northern Seven Years' War (15631570). For 18th century war, see the Great Northern War (17001721). For the 19th century war in New Zealand, see the Flagstaff War (18451846)

The Northern Wars (16551661) (Polish: Druga Wojna Północna, Second Northern War) is a name sometimes used for the series of conflicts between Sweden and its adversaries Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (The Deluge, 1655–1660), Russia (1656–1661), Brandenburg-Prussia (1657–1660), the Holy Roman Empire (1657–60) and Denmark-Norway (1657–1658, 1658–1660). The same wars are sometimes referred differently in other countries: for example in Poland The Deluge sometimes is a name for the series of wars against Sweden, Brandenburg, Russia, Siebenbürgen and Cossacks. In these conflicts England was consistently an ally of Sweden whereas the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands often intervened against the Swedes.

[edit] Timeline of events

  • 1655: Sweden, seizing on an opportunity granted by Russia's partial invasion of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, invades the other half in a bid for control of the opposing shore of the sea
  • 1656: Russia declares war on Sweden, Battle of Warsaw (1656)
  • 1657: the Holy Roman Empire, and Denmark-Norway declare war on Sweden
  • 1658: the Holy Roman Empire stops fighting
  • 1658: Denmark signs the Treaty of Roskilde with Sweden
  • 1660: Denmark signs the Treaty of Copenhagen with Sweden
  • 1660: Poland signs the Treaty of Oliva with Sweden
  • 1660: the Holy Roman Empire and Norway stop fighting
  • 1661: Russia signs the Treaty of Kardis with Sweden
  • 1674: Sweden invades and occupies Brandenburg after prompting from Louis XIV
  • 1675: Sweden ejected from Brandenburg after Battle of Fehrbellin
  • 1678: Sweden invades and occupies Ducal Prussia but army is destroyed due to The Great Sleigh Drive

[edit] Peace Treaties

[edit] See also

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