North East Productivity Alliance

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The North East Productivity Alliance (NEPA) is an exemplar partnership of Agencies, industrialists & academia. Its aim is to improve the performance of the North East Region’s manufacturing industry, in particular, through boosting productivity and competitiveness.

NEPA has developed the Accelerate North East Programme - a package of support measures currently valued at £13 million, over the next 3 years. This comprises of four inter-related projects:

  • 1. Engineering Fellows - R&D (funded by ONE; project managed by the University of Sunderland - AMAP)
  • 2. Digital Factory - Technology transfer/skills (funded by ONE; project managed by Sunderland University - AMAP)
  • 3. Workforce Development (Funded by LSC; managed by Assa)
  • 4. Best Practice Dissemination Teams - Productivity/Skills (Funded by ONE & ESF; project managed by ONE)

Digital Factory

AMAP (University of Sunderland)

Training Improves North East Digital Skills Base

The 'NEPA/Digital Factory' project operates from Sunderland University and aims to improve the regional skill base in relation to digital engineering technologies.

The North East Productivity Alliance (NEPA) is an advisory group comprising senior industrialists from some of the region's leading companies who, together with One NorthEast, have developed a programme to take forward the UK's North East Region's manufacturing strategy, in particular through improving productivity and competitiveness. One of these programmes is the 'Digital Factory' project. The 'NEPA/Digital Factory' project operates from within AMAP (Institute for Automotive and Manufacturing Advanced Practice) at Sunderland University and aims to improve the regional skill base in relation to digital engineering technologies and, by raising awareness and understanding of the benefits of digital technology in the manufacturing sector, the project enables companies to take advantage of the most appropriate digital technology to improve efficiency and competitiveness.

This provides: training and skills development relating to digital technologies; help with understanding and adopting the most appropriate digital tools; and practical help with justifying and implementing solutions.

AMAP's three spacious CAE training suites are equipped with high-specification workstations, smart boards and modern ergonomic furniture and seating to provide an excellent training environment.

All AMAP staff have strong industrial and academic backgrounds and extensive experience in the application and training of digital engineering technologies.

Most also have technical and commercial backgrounds in the software industry, working for a number of leading software vendors and holding accredited trainer status All training rooms have access to almost all modern digital engineering technology (DET) software applications and we work closely with all software OEMs and VAR partners to ensure the highest standards and vendor accredited training.

The training programmes will deliver training opportunities over the next few years (Til March 2008).

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