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Current event marker
This article or section contains information about a planned or expected future road.
It may contain information of a speculative nature and the content may change dramatically as the road's construction and/or completion approaches and more information becomes available.
Base data
Length 22 km (under construction)
States: Burgenland
Image:AB-Kreuz-blau.svg (0) Junction Bruckneudorf (A4)
Image:AB-AS-blau.svg   Potzneusiedl
Image:AB-AS-blau.svg   Gattendorf
Image:AB-AS-blau.svg   Kittsee
Image:BAB-Grenze.svg (22) Border crossing Kittsee

D2 Slovakia

The (Austrian) Nordostautobahn A6 or Northeastern motorway is a motorway in eastern Austria and it connects Slovakia to the Austrian motorway system.

It begins at A4 junction near Bruckneudorf, going east, bypassing Potzneusiedl, crossing the Leitha river by a 410 m long bridge, then beyond Gattendorf copying existing national road heading northeast and near Kittsee turning east to the Slovakian border, where border crossing already exists.

Construction started in November 2004 and will last until November 2007. Total planned costs are 182 mil. Euro.

[edit] External links