Nom Anor

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Star Wars character
Nom Anor

Position Executor, Prophet of the Cult of Jeedai, Prefect
Homeworld None (Yuuzhan Vong Worldship)
Species Yuuzhan Vong
Gender Male
Height 1.90 meters (6'3')
Affiliation Yuuzhan Vong Empire
Portrayed by None

Nom Anor is a member of the intendant caste in the species known as the Yuuzhan Vong, and a major character in the New Jedi Order book series in the Star Wars Expanded Universe. He appears in more books then any other Yuuzhan Vong character, and over the course of the series, was more developed than most of the other members of his species. One of his eyes has been replaced with a poison-spitting creature known as a Plaeryin Bol, ensuring that he is always armed in some fashion or another.


[edit] Pre-War

Nom Anor entered the galaxy in advance of the main Yuuzhan Vong invasion force, serving as both a scout and as someone to "soften up" the galaxy and make it easier to conquer. He mysteriously helped Xandel Carivous, a member of the Imperial Council, become the Emperor, but was later informed by Carivous that Anor's help was not needed anymore. Anor betrayed Carivous when former Imperial Guardsman Kir Kanos attacked the Imperial Council's base. In addition, Nom Anor became the prime minister of Rhommamool. During ascension of a Sunesi prince on Monor II, who invited many government leaders to attend, Nom Anor poisoned the rebreather masks of the other leaders with coomb spores. The spores quickly and efficiently killed everyone they came in contact with - the sole exception of this being Jedi Master Mara Jade. Finally, using his position of Rhommamool, Nom Anor founded the Red Knights of Life, a group of anti-droid fanatics with views mirroring those of the Yuuzhan Vong. Nom Anor manipulated the Red Knights, the planet's dominant faction, into a war with Rhommamool's sister planet, Osarian by tricking the Knights into believing that he was killed by the Osarians while attempting to negotiate with the New Republic. His actions distracted the New Republic military long enough for the invasion force to make a foothold.

It is possible the name Nom Anor may be an anagram of "Non Amor", Latin meaning "no love".

[edit] During the War

Throughout the war, the Executor continued to serve a both an intelligence agent and political manipulator.

The most critical of his activities was the creation of the Peace Brigade, a pro-Yuuzhan Vong organization. The Brigade played a key part in the capture and extermination of droids and Jedi in an attempt to please their Vong masters, but also served as translators and sacrifices for the Vong themselves.

Nom Anor was obssesed with the destruction of the Jedi. To this end, along with Malik Carr and Harrar, he created a plot to assassinate most of the Jedi with bo'tus using the priestess Elan. Pretending to be a defector, Elan was to meet with the Jedi to reveal information, then release the poisonous bo'tus into the air, killing herself and all those with her. The plot was foiled by Han Solo and Droma and, ironically enough, Nom Anor's own Peace Brigade.

Nom Anor later participated in the conquest of Duro. Posing as Dr. Cree'Ar, a Duro scientist working under Leia Organa Solo with an ooglith masquer, he initiated a number of riots spreading anti-Jedi sentiments and convincing the local government that their lifestyle would be spared in they surrendered when the Yuuzhan Vong arrived. He also used anti-metal creations of the Vong to destroy settlements of refugees on the planet. His actions were only partially successful, as Jacen Solo and Luke Skywalker were able to convince the Duro to flee instead of surrendering. Nevertheless, Duro fell.

When the Jedi led an attack on Myrkr to kill the Voxyn template, Warmaster Tsavong Lah sent Nom Anor, Vergere, and an elite troop of warriors to stop them. Nevertheless, the Executor's elite assassins and the voxyns slew many of the Jedi knights including: Ulaha Kore, Eryl Besa, Jovan Drark, (Raynar Thul, Lomi Plo and Welk were also stated to have been "destroyed" in their shuttle destruction) Anakin Solo, was also killed under the command of the Executor, and Hara and Besa, the female twin barabels were slain by the voxyn as were other companions. They failed in that mission, as it was Jacen Solo who killed the Voxyn Queen and captured Anor's ship, but Nom Anor succeeded in the capture of one of the Solo twins, Jacen, who was being hunted by the Vong. Together, Anor, with the help of Vergere, attempted to convert Jacen to the Yuuzhan Vong religion. Anor believed he succeeded, and granted Jacen access to the Well of the World-Brain to perform a ceremony. Jacen, however, convinced the World-Brain to ensure that the ceremonies of the Vong were performed "less than perfectly". Ganner Rhysode, a Jedi Knight, came to Jacen's rescue and delivered him from the Vong control. Realizing that he had failed to turn forever Jacen, the Watcher attempted to flee with Vergere. She, however, betrayed him and stole his ship, bringing Jacen with her.

When Nom Anor's agents on the acting capital of the newly created Galactic Alliance, Mon Calamari, discovered that both Solo twins were in hiding on Ebaq 9, a world in the Deep Core surrounded by black holes, he realized his chance to reclaim his prestige, (which he suspected to be a trap) previously lost through his numerous failures, and convinced Supreme Overlord Shimrra that it was the perfect time to deal a death-blow to the Galactic Alliance. Unfortunately for the Yuuzhan Vong, the operation was a trap and resulted in the destruction of most of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet. Nom Anor, realizing his was going to die if he returned to Shimmra, eliminated his Prefect leader and fled to the depths of Yuuzhan'tar, or Vong-held Coruscant. During the attack of Ebaq 9, Vergere sacrificed herself and Warmaster Tsavong Lah, Anor's most hated "ally" and superior found a cold in a titanic battle against Jaina Solo.

[edit] Life as Yu'shaa

In the depths of Coruscant, Nom Anor took refuge with a group of Shamed Ones: Vong that rejected biological implants needed for promotion. Previously on Yavin 4, Anakin Solo had helped a Shamed warrior reclaim his status. The warrior then sacrificed his life to allow Anakin to escape. This story became a legend of hope among the Shamed Ones, who came to worship the Jedi as the way out of their status. The treacherous Watcher, having partaken in the original event on Yavin, listened to these stories with great interest. When the Shamed One camp was attacked by Yuuzhan Vong warriors, the "Betrayer" fled with two other members of the Shamed: the former warrior Kunra and Shoon-mi.

Seeing an opportunity, the Executor declared himself Yu'shaa (Yuuzhan Vong for the Prophet) and began preaching that the Jedi were the saviors. The cult quickly gained in popularity among all levels of the Vong, even attracting a member of Shimmra's court, Ngaaluh, to serve as a spy. Between the actions of the cult and of the priests trying to stop them, Yuuzhan Vong society was thrown into disarray. Nom Anor continued to bide his time, using his position as leader of the Shamed Ones to eliminate former rivals in the intendant caste and waiting for a chance to reclaim his station.

The chance came shortly afterwards. Previously, through Ngaaluh, Nom Anor had learned that a Yuuzhan Vong expedition had found Zonama Sekot, a living planet similar to those of Yuuzhan Vong lore. The "Watcher" declared that he had a vision in which the arrival of a living planet in the skies of Yuuzhan'tar would mark the doom of Shimmra and the rise of power of the Shamed Ones. Under the guise of the Prophet, Nom Anor arranged passage to Zonama Sekot along with Nen Yim, Harrar, Corran Horn, and Tahiri Veila. Once there, Nom Anor contacted Shimmra, and told him that he had been captured by the Jedi and taken to Zonama Seekot. Shimmra, fearing the planet, told Nom Anor he would send a ship to pick him up if Anor could destroy the planet. After killing Nen Yim, Nom Anor stole her designs for a biological weapon to destroy the planet, and proceeded to create and use it. Unbeknownst to Nom Anor, the planet survived the attack. His plot was uncovered by the remaining members of his party, and he fled in the waiting ship. Shimmra, incredibly pleased, restored Nom Anor's status and promoted him to prefect.

Unaware that Nom Anor was the Prophet, his new superior High Prefect Drathul was given the task of stopping the Shamed Ones. Donning the ooglith masquer he used to become the Prophet, The Executor attempted to discourage the Shamed Ones from further actions. Yu'shaa's second-in-command, Kunra, foiled his efforts. When the Galactic Alliance attacked Coruscant, Prefect Nom Anor led an army of warriors against the Shamed Ones helping the Galactic Alliance and the Jedi. When he realized that Shimmra was willing to destroy Coruscant, which he had given to the Executor, he turned on his warriors and openly declared himself as the Prophet. During the fight, he encountered Mara Jade Skywalker, who he had tried to kill on numerous occasions before. He fled, and she chased him. Ultimately, he surrendered and promised to help the Alliance stop the World Brain from destroying the planet. He led an attack on the Well of the World Brain, and killed High Prefect Drathul in the process. Realizing that Luke, Jacen and Jaina had reached Shimmra, Mara, Leia and Han had Nom Anor lead them to Shimmra's throne room. After the Supreme Overlord and his minion were dead, the real Master was revealed to be Onimi, Shimmra's jester. The executor witnessed (barely) the destruction of the Supreme Overlord and then he decided to betray them. However, his treachery was foiled by Jacen Solo who saved his father, Han Solo, who was wounded by the Executor. Nom Anor engaged in combat but was eventually defeated by Leia who with her lightsaber cut off the "Prophet's" arm before he could eliminate Mara Jade and finish off her son. Nom Anor, defeated, chose to stay aboard the disintegrating ship instead of face trial from the Galactic Alliance. He is believed to have died, but a pod was seen escaping the cruiser after it was blown up. A few years later three was a unrecorded alien called mann'oor, which is an anagram of Nom Anor, arrived on Telos

[edit] External links

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