No Longer Human
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No Longer Human (人間失格 Ningen Shikkaku?) is a Japanese novel by Osamu Dazai.The novel is the best selling novel with Heart in japan.The novel is writen about child sexual abuse and many broken sexual activities. They are supposed Dazai's real experiences.
It was perfected in May 12,1948.It was announced as the serial novel. The novel is formally the fiction which takes the type of the I Novel. But, although inflence which he commited suicide made the many unknoun parts, because much of the novel contains many his fact episodes, it is regarded that it is his autobiography. Many believe it is his will, because he killed himself in June 13,1948.
The novel is the memorandum by Youzou Ooba(大庭葉蔵).He was sexually abused when he was age about 10 by a Maid. Altough he was grown, his heart was broken. He went to bed with many hookers. He made love with a married woman and wanted to commit a double suiside with her. But it end in failure. The woman died though he survived. Though he had a lover, she went to bed with other man. He wanted to kill himself but he wasn't able to kill himself. When he used Morphine,however, he was made to go mental hospital. So his time was stopped. Finally he said that he was 27-year-old now and he was seen like nearby 40-year-old by his white hair. In this time, Dazai was 39-years-old.
The narrator have no name in the novel.But he is gussed Osamu Dazai.Many people believe that Youzou Ooba is Osam Dazai.In the novel,Youzou Ooba(大庭葉蔵) call himself zibun(自分) which means "me".And "I"(私) call himself watashi(私) which also means "me".Japanese use many wards which means "me".It may be like Dissociative identity disorder(Dazai is said to suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder or Complex post-traumatic stress disorder now).