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Nikunau is a low coral island located in the Gilbert Islands. The island is also a district of Kiribati. The island consists of two narrow lobes which are joined in the centre by a narrow strip of land.

There are several lagoons located within the island, all of which are landlocked and hypersaline. The island is surrounded by a narrow fringing reef. Vegetation on Nikunau is moderately dense and consists largely of Coconut palms and Pandanus.

The population of the island averages about 3000 I-Kiribati people. Typically, there are also two American Peace Corps Volunteers stationed here.

Nikunau is known throughout Kiribati for their lengthy Botakis and intense fly population. Nikunau Botakis can last anywhere from one evening to months at a time.

Surf on Nikunau ranges depending on location, but averages 2 ft to 8 ft in height. The tip of Nikunau, located near the airstrip, has the largest waves on the island. This is the point where two tides meet, clashing one wave with another, thus creating amazing tides, waves, and currents.

Nikunau can be reached via Air Kiribati. The flight from Tarawa is about three hours long, with a layover for refueling in Tabituea North. Air Kiribati does not have online access. Flights must be arranged in person or by phone.

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